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Veckans bästa bilder, 30 jan-5 feb

av Martin Schori
Nioåriga Adin och sjuåriga Meryem demonstrerar mot  Donald Trumps inreseförbud på Chicagos O’Hare International Airport.

Mediterranean Sea 2017-02-03 Sub-saharan migrants are seen aboard an overcrowded raft during a rescue operation by the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms in the central Mediterranean Sea, 21 miles north of the coastal Libyan city of Sabratha, February 3, 2017. REUTERS/Giorgos Moutafis     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo:  / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Flyktingar ombord på en överfull båt i Medelhavet räddas av personal från den spanska organisationen Proactiva Open Arms. REUTERS / TT 
TORONTO 2017-02-03 People from the Holy Blossom Temple Synagogue and the Fairlawn United Church form a "Ring of Peace" outside The Imdadul Islamic Centre, during prayers, to show solidarity in condemning the deadly shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada February 3, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo:  / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Kanadensiska judar och kristna bildar en ring runt en moské i Tornto för att visa solidaritet med landets muslimer efter den terrorattack som dödade sex moskébesökare i Quebec tidigare i veckan. REUTERS / TT
QUEBEC CITY 2017-02-03 REFILE - CORRECTING SPELLING IN BYLINECanada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wipes a tear during funeral services for three of the victims of the deadly shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre, at the Congress Centre in Quebec City, Quebec, February 3, 2017.  REUTERS/Mathieu Belanger   TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo:  / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Kanadas premiärminister  Justin Trudeau torkar bort tårar under begravningen för tre av offren i terrorattacken mot moskén i Quebec.  REUTERS / TT
VALLETTA 2017-02-03 L-R, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visit a vantage point overlooking Valletta during a break in the European Union leaders summit in Valletta, Malta, February 3, 2017.     REUTERS/Yves Herman    TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo:  / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Greklands premiärminister Alexis Tsipras, Frankrikes president Francois Hollande och Tysklands förbundskansler Angela Merkel tar en paus under EU-toppmötet i Valetta. REUTERS / TT 
BOSTON 2017-02-04 Behnam Partopour, a Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) student from Iran, is greeted by his sister Bahar (L) at Logan Airport after he cleared U.S. customs and immigration on an F1 student visa in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. February 3, 2017.  Partopour was originally turned away from a flight to the U.S. following U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order travel ban.   REUTERS/Brian Snyder     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo:  / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Behnam Partopour, en student från Iran, möter sin syster på plygplatsen i Chicago efter att han till slut släppts igenom den amerikanska tullen. REUTERS / TT /
TOPSHOT - Hardline Jewish settlers, supporters of the Amona outpost, northeast of Ramallah, are moved away by Israeli security forces at the wildcat settlement on February 1, 2017, in line with a High Court ruling that determined the homes were built on private Palestinian land. Israeli police began evicting dozens of hardline Jewish settlers from a wildcat outpost, just hours after unveiling plans for 3,000 new homes in other West Bank settlements. / AFP PHOTO / Thomas COEX / TT / kod 444
En israelisk bosättare förs bort av polis i Amona utanför Ramallah efter att en domstol slagit fast att deras bosättning är byggd på palestinsk mark. AFP PHOTO / Thomas COEX / TT /
TOPSHOT - Sri Lankan police tryo to hold back demonstrators during a protest against the proposed sale of a stake in a loss-making port to a Chinese company in Colombo on February 1, 2017. Protesters led by the leftist People’s Liberation Front, are opposing plans to sell an 80 percent stake in the $1.4 billion deep sea port of Hambantota to China Merchants Port Holdings Company. / AFP PHOTO / Ishara S. KODIKARA / TT / kod 444
Demonstranter i Sri Lankas huvudstad Colombo attackerar poliser. Protesterna gäller en försäljning av en hamn till kinesiska myndigheter. AFP PHOTO / Ishara S. KODIKARA / TT
PYONGYANG 2017-02-02 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance to Pyongyang Orphans' Primary School, in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) February 2, 2017. KCNA via REUTERS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. REUTERS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THIS IMAGE. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. SOUTH KOREA OUT. Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Nordkoreas diktator Kim Jong Un besöker en skola för föräldralösa barn i huvudstaden Pyongyang.  REUTERS / TT /
BERKELEY 2017-02-02 Police officers prepare to deploy a skirmish line after a student protest turned violent at UC Berkeley during a demonstration over right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, who was forced to cancel his talk, in Berkeley, California, U.S., February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Stephen Lam TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Poliser väntar utanför universitetet Berkley i Kalifornien, där demonstranter med våld stoppade den högerextreme Milo Yiannopoulos från att tala. REUTERS / TT 
WASHINGTON 2017-02-01 Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein (2nd R) looks toward Chairman Senator Charles Grassley (C) during the committee's vote on the nomination of Jeff Sessions to become U.S. Attorney General on Capitol Hill in Washington February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Senatens justitieutskott röstar igenom Donald Trumps kandidat till justitieminister Jeff Sessions. Nu väntar en ny omröstning där alla senatorer deltar. REUTERS / TT /
AVDIYIVKA 2017-02-01 Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of Avdiyivka, Ukraine February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Pansarvagnar på gatorna i ukrainska Avdiyivka. Den senaste tiden har nya strider blossat upp mellan regeringstrupper och proryska separatister. REUTERS / TT 
BRUSSELS 2017-02-01 Labour Member of the European Parliament Seb Dance holds a sign that reads "He's lying to you" behind former UKIP leader and MEP Nigel Farage, who is addressing the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, in this still image taken from video February 1, 2017. Courtesy of the European Union 2017 European Parliament/EBS/Handout via REUTERS TV ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Den brittiske labour-politikern Seb Dance håller upp en lapp med texten ”han ljuger för dig” när den högerpopulistiske parlamentarikern Nigel Farage pratar till EU-parlamentet. REUTERS / TT 
DICHATO 2017-01-31 A Boeing 747-400 Super Tanker from the U.S. drops water to extinguish wildfires in Chile's central-south regions, in Dichato, Chile January 31, 2017. REUTERS/Maribel Fornerod EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
En amerikansk Boeing 747-400 Super Tanker deltar i släckningsarbetet av de stora bränderna som drabbat Chiles södra regioner. REUTERS / TT / 
TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump (R) shakes hands with Rex Tillerson (L) as Tillerson's wife Renda St. Clair look on after Tillerson was sworn in as Secretary of State in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, on February 1, 2017. President Trump notched a victory with confirmation of Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state, but opposition Democrats girded for battle over several other nominations, including his pick for the US Supreme Court. / AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM / TT / kod 444
Donald Trump skakar hand med Rex Tillerson, som precis godkänts av senaten som ny utrikesminister. AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM / TT 
TOPSHOT - Romanian riot police clash with protesters during a demonstration against controversial decrees to pardon corrupt politicians and decriminalize other offenses in front of the government headquarters in Bucharest, on February 1, 2017. At least 200,000 people hit the streets across Romania on February 1, 2017 for anti-government protests, the largest since communism fell in 1989, media reports said. / AFP PHOTO / DANIEL MIHAILESCU / TT / kod 444
Rumänsk polis drabbar samman med demonstranter som kräver ett stopp för ett dekret som avkriminaliserar vissa typer av korruption. Regeringen drog senare tillbaka förslaget. AFP PHOTO / DANIEL MIHAILESCU / TT / 
TOPSHOT - Iraqis play with snow at Korek Mountain resort on February 3, 2017 near the city of Rawanduz in the Arbil Governorate of Iraqi Kurdistan. The resort is located on top of Korek Mountain at the altitude of 2000 meters, 100 km (62 miles) north of Arbil, and is the first resort of its kind in Kurdistan and Iraq. / AFP PHOTO / SAFIN HAMED / TT / kod 444
Människor leker i snön som fallit över berget Korek i irakiska kurdistan. AFP PHOTO / SAFIN HAMED / TT /
TOPSHOT - Demonstrators holding placards take part in a protest against US President Donald Trump outside the US Embassy in London on February 4, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N / TT / kod 444
Demonstranter med anti-Trump-plakat utanför den amerikanska ambassaden i London. AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE’N / TT
Pope Francis holds a baby during an audience with members of Entrepreneurs for Economy of Communion, at the Paul VI Hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
Påve Fransiskus håller upp ett litet barn under en ceremoni i Vatikanen. AP Photo/Andrew Medichini