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Veckans bästa bilder, 20-26 mars

av Martin Schori
En irakisk pojke i östra Mosul, ett område som befriats från IS. AP PHOTO / FELIPE DANAL

US President Donald Trump in the cab of an 18-wheel vehicle as he meets truckers on the south lawn of the White House. President Trump was discussing his healthcare proposals, which have been going through Congress. ANDREW HARNICK / AP
En till synes mycket entusiastisk Donald Trump testar en lastbil efter att ha träffat lastbilschaufförer och åkerier i Vita huset. ANDREW HARNICK / AP
TOPSHOT - A demonstrator holds a placard reading "Brexit Sucks!" as he participates in an anti Brexit, pro-European Union (EU) march in London on March 25, 2017, ahead of the British government's planned triggering of Article 50 next week. Britain will launch the process of leaving the European Union on March 29, setting a historic and uncharted course to become the first country to withdraw from the bloc by March 2019. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS / TT / kod 444
En brittisk demonstrant visar sitt missnöje med Brexit. AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS / TT /
TOPSHOT - Riot police officers stand guard during an opposition rally against President Alexander Lukashenko's rule and a controversial new tax on "spongers" - those who work less than six months a year - in Minsk on March 25, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Sergei GAPON / TT / kod 444
Kravallpolis i vitsryska huvudstaden Minsk, som skakats av demonstrationer mot den hårdföre presidenten Alexander Lukashenko. AFP PHOTO / Sergei GAPON / TT /
LONDONDERRY 2017-03-21 Pall bearers carry the coffin of Martin McGuinness through the streets of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, March 21, 2017. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Tidigare IRA-ledaren Martin McGuinness kista färdas genom Dublin under en begravningsceremoni. REUTERS / TT
RAFAH 2017-03-22 A relative mourns during the funeral of Palestinian Youssef Abu Azra, who according to hospital officials was killed by Israeli fire and whom the Israeli forces said was detected with other suspects near the security fence, in Rafah, Gaza Strip March 22, 2017. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Modern till palestiniern Youssef Abu Azra gråter vid begravningen. Abu Azra uppges ha skjutits ihjäl av israeliska soldater efter att ha kommit för nära stängslet mot Israel i Rafah, på Gazaremsan. REUTERS / TT
WAU 2017-03-21 Aviation staff assess the wreckage of a South Supreme Airlines plane that crashed when it landed in the northwestern town of Wau from South Sudan's capital Juba, March 21, 2017. REUTERS/Jok Solomun FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Räddningsarbetare vid vraket av ett plan från South Supreme Airlines, som kraschade utanför Sydsudans huvudstad Juba. REUTERS / TT /
TOPSHOT - EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Ukrainian police experts examine the body of former Russian MP Denis Voronenkov after he was shot dead on March 23, 2017 in the center of Kiev. Ukrainian President blamed Russia for the murder of Voronenkov, who moved to Ukraine last year and was wanted by Russia for fraud, saying it was an "act of state terrorism." / AFP PHOTO / Sergei SUPINSKY / TT / kod 444
Ryske expolitikern och Putinkritikern Denis Voronenkov sköts ihjäl på öppen gata i Kiev i torsdags. Tre dagar tidigare hade han uttryckt fara för sitt eget liv i en intervju. AFP PHOTO / Sergei SUPINSKY / TT
SANAA 2017-03-22 Boys play in an abandoned car in the yard of The al-Shawkani Foundation for Orphans Care in Sanaa, Yemen, February 18, 2017. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah SEARCH "YEMEN ORPHANAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY. Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
En pojke leker i ett bilvrak utanför ett barnhem i den jemenitiska huvudstaden Sanaa. REUTERS / TT /
BEIJING 2017-03-19 China's President Xi Jinping meets U.S. State of Secretary, Rex Tillerson at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, March 19, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas Peter TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Chinas president Xi Jinping träffar USA:s utrikesminister Rex Tillerson i Peking. REUTERS / TT
BOSASSO 2017-03-19 Maritime police are seen aboard oil tanker Aris-13, which was released by pirates, as it sails to dock on the shores of the Gulf of Aden in the city of Bosasso, northern Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland, March 19, 2017. REUTERS/Abdiqani Hassan FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Kustbevakningen boardar oljetankern Aris-13, som tidigare kapats av somaliska pirater. Piraterna övergav senare tankern. Kapningen var den första på fem år utanför Somalias kust. REUTERS / TT
WASHINGTON 2017-03-21 FBI Director James Comey (L) and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers take their seats at a House Intelligence Committee hearing into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March 20, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
FBI-chefen James Comey och NSA-diton Mike Rogers deltar i en hearing i senaten om president Trumps misstänkta kopplingar till Ryssland. REUTERS / TT
TOPSHOT - A Syrian Kurdish woman holds a portrait of jailed Kurdish rebel chief Abdullah Ocalan during the annual celebrations of Noruz, the Persian New Year, on March 21, 2017, in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli. The Persian New Year is an ancient Zoroastrian tradition celebrated by Iranians and Kurds which coincides with the vernal (spring) equinox and is calculated by the solar calender. / AFP PHOTO / DELIL SOULEIMAN / TT / kod 444
En kurdisk kvinna håller upp en flagga med den fängslade PKK-ledaren Abdullah Ocalan under firandet av persiska nyåret Noruz i norra Syrien.  AFP PHOTO / DELIL SOULEIMAN /TT
TOPSHOT - Iraqi forces, consisting of the Iraqi federal police and the elite Rapid Response Division, hold a position in a building as they advance in the Old City in western Mosul on March 19, 2017, during the offensive to retake the city from Islamic State (IS) group fighters. / AFP PHOTO / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / TT / kod 444
En irakisk regeringssoldat i Mosuls gamla stad. IS har under veckan pressats allt längre tillbaka.  AFP PHOTO / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / TT
KAOHSIUNG 2017-03-21 Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen waves as she boards Hai Lung-class submarine (SS-794) during her visit to a navy base in Kaohsiung, Taiwan March 21, 2017. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Taiwans president Tsai Ing-wen vinkar när hon går på en ubåt.  REUTERS / TT /
TOPSHOT - Riot policemen control inmates at the Stage II Male Juvenile Detention Center, in San Jose Pinula, east of Guatemala City, on March 20, 2017. On the eve, more than 40 youth detainees attacked security staff leaving two official dead, four injured, and four still being held captive by inmates, the police reported. / AFP PHOTO / JOHAN ORDONEZ / TT / kod 444
Kravallpolis vaktar fångar i ett fängelse i San Jose Pinula, öster om Guatemalas huvudstad Guatemala City. Två dödades när 40 intagna attackerade personal och vakter i fängelset. / AFP PHOTO / JOHAN ORDONEZ / TT
TOPSHOT - An opposition fighter from the Failaq al-Rahman brigade fires a heavy machine gun in Jobar, a rebel-held district on the eastern outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus, on March 19, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / AMER ALMOHIBANY / TT / kod 444
En soldat i rebellgruppen Failaq al-Rahman-brigaden skjuter mot syriska regimtrupper i Jobar, ett rebellkontrollerat område utanför huvudstaden Damaskus. AFP PHOTO / AMER ALMOHIBANY / TT
TOPSHOT - Migrants wait to be rescued from a sinking dingey off the Libyan coasal town of Zawiyah, east of the capital, on March 20, 2017, as they attempted to cross from the Mediterranean to Europe. Libya has long been a stepping stone for migrants dreaming of a better life in Europe, but people smugglers have stepped up their lucrative trade in the chaos since the 2011 ouster of longtime dictator Moamer Kadhafi. / AFP PHOTO / Abdullah ELGAMOUDI / TT / kod 444
Flyktingar väntar på att räddas från deras bräckliga båt utanför staden Zawiyah i Libyen. AFP PHOTO / Abdullah ELGAMOUDI / TT
TOPSHOT - Photographers take photos of Neil Gorsuch before the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing as US President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill in Washington,DC on March 20, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Brendan Smialowski / TT / kod 444
Fotografer tar bild på NeilGorsuch, Trumps kandidat till högsta domstolen, innan han ska frågas ut i senaten. AFP PHOTO / POOL / Brendan Smialowski / TT /