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Rapport sprider lögner om Abbas

av Helle Klein

Vi var många som höjde på ögonbrynen när Sveriges television beslutade att utse Lars Adaktusson till korrespondent i Mellanöstern. Med tanke på Adaktussons milt sagt israelvänliga inslag i Agenda under årens lopp kändes valet inte alldeles självklart.
Jag har dock hittills inte tyckt att Adaktusson varit någon större katastrof som Jerusalem-korre.
Men i fredags gjorde han ett märkligt inslag i Rapport om att palestinska presidenten Abbas skulle ha ställt in ett planerat Sverigebesök på grund av att den svenska regeringen givit visum till en Hamas-representant.

Detta dementeras helt av PLO och Fatah:

The Jerusalem correspondent of the Swedish television channel SVT 2 has reported that the reason Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas postponed his May visit to Sweden was due to his displeasure about the decision taken by the Swedish government to give an entry visa to a minister in the Palestinian government. Regarding this matter, we would like to emphasize that this news is totally incorrect and aims at distorting the position of the Palestinian President who has been urging the International Community, since the latest Palestinian parliamentary elections, to respect the Palestinian people’s democratic choice, to give the new Palestinian government a chance, and to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian government and people. President Abbas has expressed the latter, publicly and clearly, on numerous occasions, the latest being last week in front of the European Parliament”, står det i dementin.

  ”We would also like to confirm that President Abbas has received an official invitation to visit Sweden, the date of which will be agreed upon jointly. The Palestinian President and leadership have always valued the Swedish position in support of our people’s rights”, avslutas dementin.

Jag har varit i New York de senaste dagarna och inte sett eller hört någon rättelse av Rapport. Meddela mig om du har hört någon sådan.