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Robert Fisk i Independent

av Helle Klein

Robert Fisk hör till en av världens mest erfarna journalister som i decennier skrivit från Mellanöstern. Hans artiklar i brittiska Independent är alltid läsvärda.

I dag skriver han sanslöst bra om alla lögner om Israels ”hänsyn till civila” när de bombar palestinierna och om västvärldens svek.

Yes, Israelis deserve security. Twenty Israelis dead in 10 years around Gaza is a grim figure indeed. But 600 Palestinians dead in just over a week, thousands over the years since 1948 – when the Israeli massacre at Deir Yassin helped to kick-start the flight of Palestinians from that part of Palestine that was to become Israel – is on a quite different scale. This recalls not a normal Middle East bloodletting but an atrocity on the level of the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
And of course, when an Arab bestirs himself with unrestrained fury and takes out his incendiary, blind anger on the West, we will say it has nothing to do with us. Why do they hate us, we will ask? But let us not say we do not know the answer”, avslutar Fisk sin artikel.

Taggar fisk, gaza, robert
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