Arkiv för tagg drottningmodern

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Tidigare opublicerat brev från drottningens mamma

av Jenny Alexandersson


Nu publicerar brittiska The Telegraph ett brev från drottning Elizabeths mamma. Drottningmodern som hon kallades, skrev brevet mitt under brinnande krig i september 1940 och det beskriver hur familjen klarade sig igenom ett bombanfall.

Brevet börjar så här: 




September 13th 1940

My darling Mama,


I hardly know how to begin to tell you of the horrible attack on Buckingham Palace this morning.

Bertie and I arrived there at about ¼ to 11, and he and I went up to our poor windowless rooms to collect a few odds and ends – I must tell you that there was a ”Red” warning on, and I went into the little room opposite B’s room, to see if he was coming down to the shelter – he asked me to take an eyelash out of his eye, and while I was battling with this task, Alec came into the room with a batch of papers in his hand.

At that moment we heard the unmistakable whirr-whirr of a German plane. We said ’ah a German’, and before anything else could be said, there was the noise of aircraft diving at great speed, and then the scream of a bomb.

It all happened so quickly, that we had only time to look foolishly at each other, when the scream hurtled past us, and exploded with a tremendous crash in the quadrangle.

Läs hela brevet här!


Nu kommer även den officiella biografin om drottningmodern. Och skulle du ha vägarna förbi London den 21 eller 22 september kan du lyssna på ett föredrag av författaren William Shawcross. Du kan träffa honom på de kungliga slotten St James’s Palace and Clarence House där han berättar om sin sex år långa research (!).

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