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av Åsa Linderborg

You are sn anti-semitic swedish bitch! As all Swedes you are woefully and dangerously ignorant about the US and Israel. Video is very clear that on the 6th ship soldiers were attacked. But swedes blindly condemn Israel and support H
hamas. Those children killed in the gazakriget might not have died had hamas not chosen to launch their rockets from schools, homes, etc. But on the mind of idiot swedes that is defensible but Israel never is. Rememberthat à number if years ago Israel offered peace and 98% of the Palestinians demands. And the answer was à huge Fick You! Frön the palestinians. Whose side is idiot Sweden on? Always the terrorist. Sweden wants yo be th conscience of the world. But sweden is too stupid, anti-semitic and ignorant to carry that off. Go salute Hitler and regret that swedes were too late to help their nazi friends between 1933-1945 you terrorist sympatizing skitstövel.
