avNeed inpiration this week? Well don’t you worry, I got something that will kick you back into healthy shape immediately – author Kris Carr. Read her bio below taken from her website.
I’m Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker and wellness warrior. On Valentines Day in 2003, I was diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage 4 cancer. This whiskey tango foxtrot moment (that’s military lingo for WTF?!) sparked a deep desire in me to stop holding back and start living like I mean it! I sold everything and hit the road on deep healing pilgrimage. What I learned transformed my life forever – now it can transform yours. Since then, my journey has ignited a global wellness revolution that’s resonated with thousands of health, spiritual wealth and happiness seekers. CanSer babes and Prevention is HOT cheerleaders alike have flocked to my books and workshops in order to learn how to look and feel better, lose weight, have more energy and nourish their minds, bodies and spirits – even Oprah wanted a piece of the Crazy Sexy action.
My wake-up call encouraged me to make a total lifestyle upgrade inside and out. It brought me back to my authentic self, to nature, the garden and the people and animals who set my heart ablaze. I learned that a nutrient dense, plant-based diet rules, the Standard American Diet kills, stress sucks (all life-force), exercise is non-negotiable, joy is utterly contagious, and having fun must be taken seriously. As a result of all my juicy living and learning, I created the ultimate blueprint for a healthy and happy life, and I want to share my secrets with fabulous you!
My third book: Crazy Sexy Diet (#1 Amazon Best-Seller, NY Times Best-seller) will blow your mind. It’s my bible. Basically, I took all the nutrition and lifestyle tips I gather over the years and tucked it into one handy-dandy book. Let it be your bible too. If you do, you’ll stack the vibrant health odds in your favor by making energy deposits instead of constant withdrawals. Play big. Grab your copy today hot stuff!