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av Filippa Salomonsson








Yesterday I attended REVEAL, a conference focused on The Next Generation of Feminine Spiritualy held in Urban Zen, Donna Karen’s husband’s old studio in West Village. It was such a magnificent space, full of beautiful red flowers, glimmering candles, and projections on huge walls of nature, Indian culture, mankind, etc. Over 200 young woman from all over the country, maybe even the world, gathered in this room to discuss spirituality and how we can benefit from letting our Spirit, Inner Guide, God, Feminine Divine – whatever you want to call it – guide us in life. We need to all let go of negative thoughts that clutter our lives and listen within. Everything you need to know is within. You cannot rely on material things such as a nice car/house, diamond ring, or all the “bling bling” in the world to make you happy. Although, please don’t misunderstand, money can be beneficial in allowing you to pursue your real true meaning, since the financial aspect would not be a burden hanging over you. But again, JUST focusing on material matters as your only way to happiness will not work.

Take some time to reflect. Write down what it is you want in life and start living it NOW. Not 10 years down the line. WHAT is it you want at this very moment? Your Spirit is waiting to give it to you. Trust me on this one. I’ve seen it happen.

I learned an incredible amount of knowledge yesterday and am so thankful for this. In upcoming posts I will share ways to connect with your Spirit. Let it come forth and you will see miracles start happening all around you. We are meant to have miracles in our life on a daily basis. Life is meant to be filled with happiness and ease. But you can’t wait for happiness, you need to start telling yourself you have it now (even if it feels like you don’t).

In the images above are a few of some of the beautiful women that spoke yesterday. I will also share information about each one in posts to come.

Love to all. Have a happy day!