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av Filippa Salomonsson


One of my favorite people is Marie Forleo – she is such an inspiration to women of our generation, teaching us how to live a fulfilled balanced life, leading to success in all aspects. In a video blog post a few weeks ago, she touched upon the following subject… What to do when people do you wrong? Ahh loved her answer, so I’d thought I’d share it with you – click here to see the full video.

It’s all about forgiveness!!

Per Marie Forleo:

”You’re angry. You’re hurt. Someone has done you wrong. No matter how hard you try to “let it go,” all your mind can do is fantasize, in detail, about all the vengeful ways you’ll make. them. pay. Been there? Yeah, me too.

Here’s the problem. Holding onto anger or resentment severely limits your potential in business and life. It’s a HUGE, unnecessary obstacle in terms of creativity, wealth creation and worst of all, it gives you bad breath. (OK, I made that last one up.)

If you’ve ever had trouble forgiving someone, this video is for you. I’ll tell you exactly how I handle these situations, including my two favorite techniques to strengthen your own forgiveness muscles.”