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av Filippa Salomonsson



Started reading this book last night and could not put it down. It’s all about the connection between food, life, & spirituality – and explains that what we eat is a reflection of ourselves. For example, if you’re rushing home to scarf down a pizza after work by yourself, most likely there is a reason… Stressed? Lonely? Unhappy? Not spiritually connected?

Just start observing this connection. Take a look at your plate. Don’t judge yourself, just get your mind thinking. It’s pretty interesting what you can find out about your daily pattern.

”In Women, Food, and God, Geneen delves into why women turn to food even when they aren’t hungry. ”Obsession gives you something to do besides have your heart shattered by heart-shattering events,” she writes.

The emotional struggle that accompanies overeating is familiar, Geneen says, whereas the ”heart-shattering events” are often new and raw. ”People are afraid that the pain will destroy them. Or the heartbreak, or the discomfort even. … We don’t actually know that we can feel those feelings without being destroyed by them,” she says. ”Getting up and living day-to-day and going through the stuff of day-to-day, that’s difficult. But somehow we believe that food is cushioning it,” (