avFor centuries, Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many reasons. In fact, Indian ginger is said to have the most potent medicinal properties. Here is what it can help you with…
- Ovarian Cancer Treatment
- Colon Cancer Prevention
- Morning Sickness
- Motion Sickness
- Remedy Reduces Pain and Inflammation
- Heartburn Relief
- Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment
- Migraine Relief
- Menstrual Cramp Relief (try ginger tea for this)
- Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
It’s also a mood inhanser and helps release stress. I mean… could be worth a try right? I put some in my green juices everyday (mainly to reduce the bitter taste of the greens, but also for the benefits listed above).
(Information from healthdiaries.com and image from diggingri.wordpress.com)