avOk so to set the record straight, I do not have a six pack, haha, BUT definitely want to strive for one… Here are a few reasons to strenghten your core and reduce body fat by Dr. Mercola:
You look and feel good
”How you look and how you feel about your body can have a big impact on your psyche. When you feel good about your body, that feeling good spills over into other areas of your life.
Mind, body, and soul are all connected. Feeling good is a prerequisite for going out and having good flow back to you. So when you feel good about your body, it helps you become more successful in other areas of your life; as long as you’re not too vain and hyper focused on your waistline.”
Your spine is more stable and pain free
”When you build your ab muscles, it’s like developing an internal corset that holds your gut in. When you tighten your ’Inner Weight Belt,’ you create more stabilization for your spine, vertebrae and discs. We have had dozens of clients vastly improve, and many totally eliminate back pain, simply by developing stronger abdominal muscles.”
You gain the ability to become more athletic, doing functional activities.
”Having a strong, athletic abdominal wall is very important for optimal body movement. This is very important at any time of your life but especially in your 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Being able to work, play, and move is a big part of aging gracefully. Having pain or limited range of motion in your core can be very challenging.”
”One big misconception that many of people have about building a strong, sexy midsection is that all you have to do is sit-ups. The more sit ups you can do; the better your abs will look. This is called ’Spot Reducing’. You can build up an incredible abdominal wall with the best exercise program on earth; but if you do not bring your overall body fat level down, you will not see your abs.”
”The truth is, it is impossible to reduce your mid-section by just doing abdominal exercises. For tight abs you must also reduce overall body fat. To accomplish this, you need to focus on Food – Nutrition!”
”Make sure to eat unprocessed foods; organic when possible. If it is made in a plant, stay away; if it comes from a plant, eat it. Remember the axiom, ’Lean, Green, and Marine.’ Green colorful leafy veggies, and fish, are all good foods to include in your nutrition program.”
Get more tips on excersie, food and lifestyle choices that can help on his website:
YOU have the power to change this very minute!