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av Filippa Salomonsson


Have ever looked at the ingredients on a package (most of us have at one point) and wondered ”umm what does that word mean?” If you don’t know what those words mean, you don’t know what your food is made from. Tip of the day…. don’t eat it!! Simple as that… Below are a few words to avoid putting in your mouth. Remember, you are what you eat… The food you eat literally help rebuild your cells and become part of you!!

  • Ambergris: From whale intestines. Used as a flavoring in foods and beverages.
  • Arachidyl Proprionate: A wax that can be from animal fat. Alternatives are peanut and vegetable oil.
  • Artificial Coloe, FD & C food color: Derived from coal-tar. Can contain trace amounts of lead and arsenic. Potenially carcinogenic.
  • Bone Meal: Crushed or ground animal bones. In some vitamins and supplements as a source of calcium.
  • Cystine: An amino acid found in urine and horsehair. Used as a nutrional supplement.
  • Gelatin: Protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water from pigs and cows. Found in lots of candy and puddings.
  • Nitrates: Potentially deadly, carcinogenic preservatives. Found in processed foods and meats.