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av Filippa Salomonsson
Arise & Shine Products


Hey everyone, my name is Aminata and I’ll be guest-blogging here while doing the Arise & Shine cleanse. One can choose to either do a 14-day or 28-day cleanse. This summer I did 28 days, so now I’m trying 14 days. After many years of experiencing trouble with my stomach, I finally started to get things back in order after doing this cleanse. Can therefore highly recommend it since it’s the best thing I’ve ever done to improve my health! So how does it work? Basically one eats alkaline forming fruits and vegetables in addition to a daily intake of herbs (Chomper and Herbal Nutrition), shakes (Bentonitie and Psyllium Husk), and Flora Grow.

Hope to inspire you all! Aminata

  • Tjänstgörande redaktörer: Joakim Ottosson, Kristina Jeppsson och Elvira S Barsotti
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
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