av”The root of most illness is stagnation of the body’s pathways and impaction of waste matter in its cells and tissues. The great naturpath Arnold Ehret put it this way: ’Every disease, no matter what name it is known by Medical Science, is constipation: a clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body.’ In other words, stagnation of the body’s pathway creates a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to thrive, triggering more complicated illnesses. We can ensure perfect health simply by maintaining clear-flowing internal pathways…,” (Raw Food Life Force Energy by Natalia Rose, pg. 35).
A healthy colon releases 2-3 times a day! That’s what we should all thrive for. How to get a better flow? Eat probiotics and fiber, drink lots of water, eat green veggies, and keep the food natural kids.