avWhat does one juicy mango do for your body?
- Provides pre-biotic dietary fiber – always beneficial for the flow of the colon – easy in, easy out. (Get more of this if you’re not doing number 2 on a daily basis, along with probiotics).
- Provides vitamin A (horray!) – great for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin (let it shine).
- Provides potassium (bananas aren’t the only heroes here) – Why do we need potassium? Because it helps our cells and body fluids control heart rate and blood pressure.
- Provides vitamin C – this guy helps our immune system build resistance against the infectious agents (aka bad dudes).
- Provides vitamin B6 – hello totally helps with your hormone levels. Importante for the chicas!
- Provides copper, which produces red blood cells. Did you know the red blood cells perform the most important blood duty? Why? Because they remove waste! (the nasty stuff).
Damn do I feel good about all this stuff I’m about to eat! Grab one too… Oh and don’t worry if you accidentally swallow some mango peel – it’s rich in phytonutrients. 🙂