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av Filippa Salomonsson




Here is day 2! If you find you are hungry and need extra calories, keep a bag of organic mixed nuts with you (walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, etc.). Good tips for beginners.

Also, the reason for just having a nutritious smoothie and fruit in the am is because your body is still ”cleaning up” after the evening assimilation process until 12:00pm.

DAY 2: March 19th

Pre-Breakfast: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Omegalicious Smoothie

What do you need? 1 large handful spinach (or other dark green leaf veggies), handful raw pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon ground flax seed (or can use flax oil), 1 tablespoon hemp seeds, handful blueberries, 1/2 avocado, 1 cup water (or more/less depending on how thick you want it), 1 tablespoon bee pollen, and 1 tablespoon raw honey

How do you make it? Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve in glass with a festive colored straw

*If you cannot make it to lunch on this smoothie, either make more of the smoothie (adding primarily spinach) or have a fruit about 30-60 minutes after (so it’s fully digested).

Lunch: Cauliflower with Avocados & Olives (Recipe from Healthful Cuisine by Anna Maria Clement)

What do you need? 2 cups cauliflower, 1 avocado, ¼ cup red onion, ¼ cup fresh basil, ¼ Greek sun-dried olives or regular olives (pitted), 1/8 cup red bell pepper, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

How do you make it? Cut cauliflower in small pieces, dice avocado, red onion, & bell pepper, and chop basil & olives. Mix together, pour lemon juice on top, and stir. Add a touch of olive oil if needed. Serve with flax seed crackers on the side.

Afternoon Snack: Cinnamon Banana Shake (Recipe from One Lucky Duck)

What do you need? 3 cups frozen diced banana (dice it before you freeze it), 2 cups Brazil nut milk or almond milk, 3 tablespoons agave nectar or 2 packets of stevia, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon, and a pinch of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt.

How do you make it? Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. (It can be prepared in the morning and kept in the fridge throughout the day).

Dinner: Pesto Quinoa with Sun-dried Tomatoes

What do you need? Pesto (without cheese), red quinoa (make as much as desired), sun-dried tomatoes, and 1 carrot.

How do you make it?

  1. You can either soak the quinoa over night or cook it.
  2. Mix it with lots of pesto! Love this stuff and top with shredded carrots & sun-dried tomatoes, and any other veggies you desire. I love adding avocado as well (live on avocado).