avYes, this stuff totally looks a little strange, but tastes amazing…. not to mention the… drum roll please…. benefits! One of my favorites being that eating chia seeds in any form, reduces certain cravings.
Being deficient in minerals or vitamins can create a craving for food. For example, if you’re low on calcium, you may feel compelled to eat lots of cheese and ice cream. This happens because your body knows that cheese is a source of calcium, and it hasn’t been getting enough. But what if dairy and whole milk are a “Diet don’t”? You can always add calcium to your food by sprinkling on the chia. By weight, chia has more calcium than whole milk. It also has magnesium and boron, essential trace minerals used in the absorption of calcium and other vitamins. By balancing your vitamins and minerals with chia, you can curb cravings that might tempt you.
I got this one at Juice Generation in West Village, but you can make your own. Here is how… Easy chia seed pudding recipe here!
(Source: http://www.mychiaseeds.com/Articles/Top10ChiaBenefits.html)