avWe are constantly on the go! And our minds reflect our hectic lifestyles… going a mile a minute. In this day in age, it’s important that we learn to quiet our thoughts and take time to just sit in silence, just be, just connect with our self. After all, our thoughts (along with our actions) create our reality and you do not want your life to be a big fuzz ball do ya? This is where meditating steps in providing clarification and direction as we tune in and realize what we really want…
You guys remember the book The Secret based on the law of attraction concept? Well what you send out, is what is gonna come right back at you. Meditation allows us to give the Universe clear signals… it allows us to focus on our true purpose.
Pause the 50,000 thoughts you have on a daily basis… literally press ”stop.” Light some candles, and get comfy in an Indian still position with your hands facing up placed on your knees, and try sitting in silence for 2-5 minutes, simply focus on your breathe (in through your nose, out through your mouth). Start here and see what kind of messages come forth… If little sneaky thoughts try to interrupt, allow them to come through and simply let go, returning your focus to the breath. See if you can feel each body part from within as well, starting from the head and moving all the way down to your toes.