avSo the hot topic of Vitamin D… It’s oblviously a lot easier to get your daily dose if you live in a sunny climate, where you can expose your skin to 15-30 minutes of sunlight per day. But if you’re like me, living in a New York climate, it’s just not that easy to expose my legs, arms, and face to the glow above. I mean I could plop down a lawn chair on 5th Avenue mid December but think I’m going to opt for another option… Anyways getting back on topic… If you live in cold countries or experience the chilly seasons, I suggest you eat a whole-food, plant-based, vitamin D supplement!
Why? Vitamin D helps your body regulate calcium and phosphorus – two minerals that are important in bone and tooth growth. The vitamin tells your body to either deposit or remove these minerals from your bones. Importante? Oh yes… You don’t want osteoporosis do ya? No thanks!