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av Filippa Salomonsson

En kvinna som har inspirerat min egna spirituella utveckling är Meggan Watterson. Hon lärde mig allt om affirmations i New York och det va med Meggan som jag skapade en av mina första affirmations…  ”I live my life’s purpose.” Och nu har jag startat ett nytt kapitel, i en ny stad, med en ny karriär. Beställ hennes nya bok som kom ut idag… REVEAL.


This excerpt is taken from the book Reveal, by Meggan Watterson.  It is published by Hay House (publication date: April 3, 2013) and available at all bookstores or online

There comes a time in your life when the love you thought would never leave you does.

Maybe more than one person leaves you or betrays you. Maybe you even betray yourself. Maybe all the love you have received from outside of you suddenly pulls away. Or maybe it shifts slowly from you over the course of several years, so that you wake up one day almost astonished to find that there is seemingly no love surrounding you. And so at last you have the opportunity to come face to face with your own loving.

If no one else is doing the loving for you, you get a rare glimpse of the true source of all of your deepest hurts, desires, and dreams: your own love. You get to see if your inner well is bone dry or stocked to overflowing like those champagne pyramids with the bubbly cascading down on all sides.

There will come a time when the voice of your truth is the only voice you can hear because all the others have led you away from yourself. This voice of truth within you is the voice of your own beloved soul. It is the voice of unconditional love within you, the one you have no doubt denied or ignored or been too scared to hear, much less follow.

Fear is normal, expected. But only love is real.

In those moments when fear eclipses what we want most for our lives, it is crucial to be able to connect to the still, calm voice that has a tight grasp on our greatest potential. It takes discipline, spiritual sweat, and divine pluck to connect to the unassuming voice of the truth inside us. It takes audacity and courage.

This is such a crucial veil to lift. Are you loving you? Are you hearing the voice of love within you, your soul-voice, and believing it enough to act on its directives? This is what the practice of loving ourselves looks like: we do whatever we have to do to hear our soul’s voice and believe it. We believe it so much that we make our life about that encounter.