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av Filippa Salomonsson

Igår kväll pratade jag om raw food, cleaning eating, min egna hälsoresa (the short version), och mat som man ska undvikaLexingtons Flagship Store på Birger Jarlsgatan i Stockholm.

Vi blev over 100 ladies, så tack för att ni kom. Green cheers till er! Jag stanna kvar efter och titta på deras home collection. Man vill ju ha allt… Kommer bli en hel del mysiga höst tröjar från dom i gaderoben också.

Tack Lexington Company för en härlig Girls’ Night Out och tack Doctor Salad för era goda smoothies. Älskar Green Detox (och det var inte bara jag som gjorde det…).

Clean & Conscious Eating Tips:

  • If you do not recognize the ingredients on the label, put the product back on the shelf and do some research. Don’t purchase foods with sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils or excitotoxins.
  • Go organic! It is better to pay the price now, rather than later in life. Keep a look out for the Dirty Dozen and purchase organic fruits & veggies marked with a five digit number starting with a nine.
  • Maintain your PH balance around 7.35-7.45. Eat 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic foods. Avoid too much acidic foods such as sugar, red meat, processed foods, as well as stress.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day for proper detoxification, bodily temperature regulation, and distribution of nutrition throughout the body.
  • Consume green juices and smoothies for a vitamin boost and further cleansing. Try an easy smoothie recipe that includes one banana, two handfuls of organic spinach, and one cup of water. Mix in a blender.

Instagram: rawclarityfilippa