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av Filippa Salomonsson

Jag har precis börjat läsa Women Code skriven av Alissa Vitti och hämna på sidan om p-piller tidigare idag. Mycket intressant. Hon skriver så här:

”The problem is that so many women today use hormonal contraception for the wrong reason: to mask the symptoms of an underlying hormonal issue. According to a 2011 study by the Guttmacher Institute, based on U.S. government data from the National Survey of Family Growth, 58 percent of women use hormonal birth control for purposes other than preventing pregnancy. Of those:

  • 31% use it to reduce menstrual cramps or pain
  • 28% use it to prevent migraines and other painful ’side effects’ of menstruation
  • 14% use it to treat acne
  • 4% use it to treat endometriosis

The catch? Birth control doesn’t actually cure any of these conditions. It simply alters hormone levels to diminish or eliminate symptoms; the underlying hormonal problem persists.”

(Source: Women Code by Alissa Vitti, page 82)