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Bob Lutz avgår. Äntligen!

av Robert Collin

Bob Lutz, mannen som gjort Saab mer ont än någon annan, avgår.

Beskedet kom från GM-chefen Ed Whitacre alldeles nyss och har fortfarande inte nått ut till medier och anställda. Bara till de högsta cheferna. Och till Bil-Bloggen, förstås.

Här är Whitacres meddelande:

GM Leaders:
GM announced today that Vice Chairman Bob Lutz has decided to retire
effective May 1, 2010.  His 47-year career in the global auto industry
included senior leadership positions at four of the world’s leading

The influence Bob has had on GM’s commitment to design, build and sell the
world’s best vehicles will last for years to come.  I, along with many
other men and women in GM and throughout the industry, have greatly
benefited from his passion, wisdom and guidance.

He will continue to provide guidance on design and key product initiatives
until he retires.

We thank Bob for leading the company’s resurgence in developing great cars
and trucks, and wish him the best in the future.  For more about his
remarkable career, visit the GM media website at:

Ed Whitacre

Inte ett ord om att han nästan knäckte Saab.