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av Julia Fors
Skärmavbild 2011-09-11 kl. 01.33.47.png

Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany. One rainy afternoon on a city bus, she realized that she wasn’t as happy as she could be. In danger of wasting her days – always yearning for something more, waiting for problems to miraculously solve themselves – she realized her life wasn’t going to change unless she did something about it. On January 1, she embarked on her Happiness Project, and each month she pursued a different set of resolutions: to get more sleep, quit nagging her husband, sing in the morning to her two young daughters, start a blog, imitate a spiritual master, keep a one-sentence journal. She immersed herself in everything from classical philosophy to contemporary psychology to see what worked for her-and what didn’t. Illuminating yet entertaining, profound yet compulsively readable, ”The Happiness Project” is one of the most thoughtful and prescriptive works on happiness to have emerged from the recent explosion of interest in the subject. Filled with practical advice, sharp insight, charm, and humour, her story will inspire readers to navigate their own paths to happiness.

  • Tjänstgörande redaktörer: Sandra Christensen, Jenny Åsell och Mattias Kling
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
  • Besöksadress: Västra Järnvägsgatan 21, Stockholm
  • 556100-1123
  • Momsregistreringsnr: SE 556100-112301
  • Kontakt: fö
  • Aftonbladet Plus Kundcenter:
  • Telefon växel: 08 725 20 00

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