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Hon är sååå cool!

av Julia Fors

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Om du missade min spalt i gårdagens Aftonbladet så måste jag tipsa dig om att kolla in nya boken Spirit Junkie.  I boken berättar Gabrielle historien om hur hon förvandlades från att vara enPR-tjej i N Y till en guru för nästa generations kvinnor. Gabriells andliga resa är som en guidebok för att övervinna rädsla, ändra sina invanda uppfattningar  till att skapa ett liv som du är peppad att vakna till varje morgon! Hur nice låter inte det?!



För att du ska få en uppfattning om boken så kommer här en lite frågor och svar med Gabrielle, hon är helt klart min nya guru:-)

In your new book Spirit Junkie you talk about how you hit a bottom and had to shut down your Sex in the City lifestyle.Why was that lifestyle no longer fulfilling to you?

G: By the time I was 23 or 24, that world was no longer glossy anymore. I was really, really disenchanted with the nightlife scene in New York. I had spent years looking for happiness “out there” –in a pair of shoes, a boyfriend, getting past the velvet rope at some fancy nightclub. I learned the hard way that none of that worked. By the time I turned 25 I hit a huge bottom and had to surrender to the fact that true happiness had to come from within. This was when I shut down my outward search, turned inwardand surrendered to a life as a full-on Spirit Junkie.

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Tell us the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your spiritual journey?

G: The most important lesson I’ve learned throughout my spiritual journey is that true happiness comes from a connection to spirit. This connection is unique for everyone. It’s our job to be willing and surrender so that we can cultivate a spiritual relationship of our own understanding. When you have spirit in your life you feel complete, whole and inspired. You know the Universe has your back.

Your work focuses on expanding the spiritual lexicon for thenext generation. How do you do that?

G: As a teacher of A Course in Miracles I’ve been guided to teach metaphysics in a way that my student can jive with it. When the teacher is ready the students will bang down your door This was the case for me. My students came in the form of people much like myself – a new generation of seekers looking for true happiness – knowing there had to be a better way. Therefore I must speak to them in a language that they’ll dig. And most importantly a language that is authentic to me. This new spiritual lexicon uses words like Spirit Junkie to refer to oneself as a spiritual person. Making this work hip and relevant is a huge part of the gig…

Boken finns bland annat på amazon.

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