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Putin portade Crowns

av Mats

Rysslands president Vladimir Putin var med på det ryska hockeyförbundets styrelsemöte i fredags. Det var då man sa definitivt nej till det svenska KHL-projektet Crowns.
Det avslöjar Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ordförande Anders Larsson så här timmarna före nedsläpp i den femte SM-finalen.
Det är väl den här satsningens största merit – att till och med Putin var inblandad till slut.
Det var natuligtvis det sista vi hörde av Crowns. Eller bör i alla fall ha varit det.
Men så länge inte en svensk KHL-satsning har Svenska Ishockeyförbundets välsignelse, så blir det heller inget KHL-lag.
Det har varit glasklart redan från början.
Det är bara att läsa paragraf 501 i Internationella Ishockeyförbundets bestämmelser.

501. International Games

Only Member National Associations, leagues and/or clubs are authorized to organise and/or participate in international games, leagues or other competitions in accordance with Bylaw 501 and 502.

Clubs, teams, players and officials taking part in such games shall be subject to the applicable IIHF Statutes, Bylaws, Regulations/Codes and Official Playing Rules.

A club that wishes to participate in and/or organise an international game or other competition must first obtain the permission of its Member National Association.

A club that wishes to play in a cross-border league and/or league of a Member National Association where the club is not located must first obtain the permission of the Member National Association where the club is located. The Member National Association where the club is located must consult with the necessary national league. If the club obtains the permission of the Member National Association where the club is located, it must then obtain the permission of the Member National Association of the country where the club’s future league is located. The IIHF Council shall exercise oversight authority over the aforementioned approval and consultation process and shall refer all violations to the Disciplinary Board.

For purposes of this Bylaw and Bylaw 502, location means the place where the club is conducting its daily operations, specifically including but not limited to, the venue where the club is holding it home games.

For all international games, the IIHF Official Rule Book shall apply and official game sheets must be completed.

All international senior club team and national team games must be officiated by IIHF licensed referees and linesmen.
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Det finns alltså inga utvägar eller undantag.
Nu är också dörren definitivt stängd tack och lov.
Det har varit mycket spekulerande och överdrifter, men nu stänger i alla fall jag dörren för sista gången.