Startsida / Inlägg

Röster i natten

av Alfred Holmgren

M: Are you dead ?
M: Can I eat your candy ?

A: I’m downstairs, waitin flr a griedn
A: No candy for youuuuuuuu

M: Zoo
M: I want zoo

A: Beerrtrr

M: Pleaaaaseeeeee
M: Candytuft

för 6 timmar sedan
M: Where are you candytufttttt

A: At home

M: What are you soon !?
M: Doing
M: Do you still have people home ???

A: 1000000000 people
A: Everyone is here

M: Really !?
M: Awwww
M: I wanted to go karaoke with youuuuu
M: Orgy
M: Orgyyyyy

A: Come here first

M: To do what ?
M: Is haiku still there ?0

A: No( but everyone else

M: Awwww
M: So no karaoke ?

A: Yes

M: Eh ?
M: Yeas karaoke or no karaoke ??
M: I’m confused

A: Come here
A: 来て

M: Or what ?
M: What sRe you planning ?

A: Going to Shibuya now.

M: Noooooo
M: Not shibuyaaaaa

A: Jessss
A: Come here

M: Booooooo
M: U done like shibuya
M: It’s so far awayyyyyy

A: Okay.
A: On the train now.

M: Come to kabukichoooo

A: No, everyone is going to da Shib.
A: Hy did you lave us?

M: We don’t like the sjovuyaaaap
M: Because I’m do y like thyyyy

A: Are you coming?
A: Everyone’s here.

M: Send me the address
M: Is haiku thereeee ???

A: Everyoneeeee
A: Shibuya
A: Trump Room

M: Is everyone dead ?
M: Tramp room ?

A: Yeah

M: Bfopd good
M: I’m so drink
M: So so so drink
M: Save me

A: And I’ll dave uuuuuu

M: Yessss
M: Dave keedeeee
M: Let’s go karaoke we
M: An sh oh sober 1
M: Song 10
M: Song onnneeee

A: Okay
A: Come to Shibuya and we’ll karaoke

M: Wveerrrr

A: Song 10

M: No more trains
M: Ever
M: Foreverrrrrrrr

A: Trains until 1.30
A: ぐらい
A: だよ

M: ダメだ
M: dるんくすぎる
M: Drunk sugiru

A: Vome
A: Trump room
A: Then karaoke

M: You tell me
M: When you go to karaoke

för 3 timmar sedan
M: Karaoke nowwewew
M: Shi kikuyu
M: Shibkukuuuuu
M: Let’s fooooooo

A: Shibuyaå
A: No bateryp

M: Bboooooo
M: How dare tpuuuu
M: Shinjyuku I
M: Where are youuuuuuu. !?!?!?

A: Skitbuya

M: Nooooo
M: Come shinjuku
M: Boooowwwww

A: Neverrrr
A: Come shibuya

M: Far swayyyyy
M: Neveeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrshibktukuuuuuuu

A: Nevwr
A: Come here
A: For karqoke

M: Noooow
M: Now wishhhhhh
M: JsjajajhHabsiciab sucks jake
M: BsjaioxysndiiauJahnxud
M: Hanabi djcknshslensj

A: I wish you were hereeeeeee

M: But I’m noooott
M: You should commmeeeeeeeeeeeee