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När drömmen om ett liv som pokerproffs förvandlas till ett helvete

av Anna Dabrowski

Bild 671

Killen ovan heter/kallas Johnny Sep. I september förra året samlade han och två andra in pengar via Podcast på Pengar till barn med 22Q Deletion Syndrome. 6,600 USD rullade in och det hela såg ut som en succé men tyvärr slutar inte historien här.

Några månader senare blev Johnny påkommen med att lura av pokerspelare pengar genom en falsk stake; då han använde pengarna till något annat än det han sa att han skulle.

I samma veva valde man att kolla upp om Johnny skickat välgörenhetspengarna till 22Q. Det visade sig att bara 2000 USD hade donerats till 22Q; resten av de 6,600 hade förts över till Johnnys PayPal konto.

Den 2:a januari 2013 började han publicera Projekt Sep på YouTube där han gjorde en daglig videoblogg om sina spelresultat. Jag såg tre delar sedan pallade jag inte lyssna mer då han verkar rätt psyko. Men då han är skyldig projektets investerare 5200 USD så kan det ju bara ha gått åt helvete.

Han är så konstig att det är fascinerande på något läskigt vis.

Kolla in första delen här:

Här är en hel tråd om detta för er som vill veta mera skvaller:**SCAM**-(Rolled-A-Jasep-Saga)/page92

Vad har Johnny själv att säga då? Jo det här:

Here is Johnny Sep’s (Jasep on PFA) post earlier this evening:


I am writing everyone to come clean about some of the things you have read online about me and attempt to rectify the situation.

First let me say this, I do not feel like I am a bad person, but that is not important as I have done some bad things in my life and now I want to rectify those things and right my wrongs if possible. For years I have had a crippling gambling addiction that I have hidden from everyone in my life. I have become very good at hiding my actions and being dishonest and deceitful to people who love and trust me. I thought I had my addiction under control and hadn’t gambled a lot in recent years, but my exposure to the internet poker community, recreational gambling and access to money triggered my problem and as I began gambling again I also found myself in wholes that I continued to press to try to get out of.

I never intended to hurt anyone and my intentions were always to right everything but I realize that was my mind being clouded by my addiction. I first want to apologize to everyone affected. I took advantage of peoples trust and used that to enable my own disgusting habit. I hate the person that I became and I want to make sure that I provide the proper restitution and move on in my life and seek the treatment that I need to make sure I become the person that I want to be instead of a person that cannot look himself in the mirror or sleep at night.

I thought that I had explanation for some of the things that have been said about me, but I now realize that it is most likely me justifying my poor decisions and convincing myself that I wasn’t in the wrong, while in the back of my mind I always knew what I was doing was wrong all along.

The email that I am sending this from is one that will be checked at least once a day and I will provide a new phone number to everyone as soon as I get one. I will respond to everyone through those channels. I don’t want to hide and run from anything, I would rather take responsibility for the things I have done and provide a solution.

.- I will pay everyone everything that I owe them with interest.

– I will be entering a treatment program

I have begun the process of seeking employment. Until my debts are made good then all of my money will go toward making them good. I have downsized my life incredibly and my cost of living is at a minimum right now. I am hoping to have all debts paid off as soon as possible, it may take me 6-9 months but I assure everyone that I will make constant and consistent payments to ensure everyone is made whole. Until I have a job, my job will be to get a job.

Right now I have outstanding debts of $12,200.00. I would like the opportunity to prove that I intend to make everything right. I am willing to pay 10% interest to everyone who I have wronged. That leaves a total debt of $13,420.00. I am happy to be in regular contact with anyone that I owe money to and work to make things right.

The only thing that I ask is that you leave my family and friends alone and deal with me directly; I promise to make return contact with anyone within 24 hours of contacting me. I do not currently have constant internet access but I will have daily access to the internet as well as a phone that will be available to anyone 24/7 within a week.

I will make equal shared payments to everyone that I owe money to on a weekly or biweekly basis (depending on my pay schedule) until everyone is made whole.

Please do not take my absence from internet forums as a sign that I am not taking ownership of my mistakes, I just feel that it will not be helpful in my correcting everything to spend hours focusing on radio shows or forums instead of working to get everything squared away.

I truly apologize for my actions and I hope that even though everyone hates me right now that my actions moving forward will speak to the kind of person I am trying to become.

-Johnny Sep

And here is Johnny Sep’s self=posted, unverified, list of debts:

Projekt Sep investors: $5200

22Q: $2550

Brandon: $900

Mark: $550

Pikachar: $3000 (not including projekt sep money)

I also owe small debts to Kevin and Tim that are not included in these numbers, they are collectively less than 500.

I am done here for now, my actions will be what makes the determination of how I am viewed.”

Jag hoppas verkligen att Johnny har sökt/söker vård innan skulden blir 1 miljon USD och han hamnar i riktig trubbel.

Jag önskar även att Svenska Spel tog ansvar på riktigt och slutade göra reklam för spel. Triss på nätet har garanterat kört ner allt för många i skuldträsket.