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Century Media: Därför bojkottar vi Spotify

av Mattias Kling

I och med den populära streamingtjänstens USA-lansering nyligen har det tyska bolaget – vars artiststall inkluderar Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Wolf och Lacuna Coil för att nämna några väldigt få – beslutat sig för att plocka bort sina alster.

Gnidet kan tyckas. Men, som pressreleasen nedan hänvisar till, avvägningen mellan fri tillgänglighet och försörjningsmöjligheter är inte alltid solklar. Och även om jag, stolt premiumkund sedan länge, tycker att beslutet är trist så stödjer jag argumenten.

Så här skriver bolaget i alla fall om saken:

Century Media and its associated labels InsideOutMusic, Superballmusic and People Like You have decided to pull their repertoire from Spotify in an attempt to protect the interests of their artists.

While everyone at the label group believes in the ever changing possibilities of new technology and new ways of bringing music to the fans, Century Media is also of the opinion that Spotify in its present shape and form isn’t the way forward. The income streams to the artists are affected massively and therefore that accelerates the downward spiral, which eventually will lead to artists not being able to record music the way it should be recorded. Ultimately, in some cases, it will completely kill a lot of smaller bands that are already struggling to make ends meet.

At the same time Century Media also believes that Spotify is a great tool to discover new music and is in the process of reintroducing their bands to Spotify by way of putting up samplers of the artists. This way, fans can still discover the great music released by the label.

Physical sales are dropping drastically in all countries where Spotify is active. Artists are depending on their income from selling music and it is our job to support them to do so. Since the artists need to sell their music to continue their creativity, Spotify is a problem for them. This is about survival, nothing less and it is time that fans and consumers realize that for artists it is essential to sell music to keep their heads above water.

Obviously it is ultimately up to the music fan and consumer, how they access their music, whether it is buying, streaming or stealing. There needs to be awareness though, that how you will consume your music has direct consequences for the artists, who we are all trying to support.”

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