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Topp tre vid tre: Scott Ian (Anthrax)

av Mattias Kling

Scott Ian

My top three things RIGHT NOW:


1. Angus Young Gibson SG Standard V.O.S. Signature Model guitar (guitar)

Angus is my favorite guitar player. I have his face tattooed on my arm. This guitar to me is like heroin to a junkie. I MUST HAVE IT. And I will in January!


2. The Road (movie)

This is the movie based on Cormac McCarthy’s 2006 novel. The book is one of my favorite books of all time. I was very concerned that the movie would be terrible as most movies based on books are. I didn’t know if they could translate the emotions from the book to the screen and after having seen the movie, I was wrong to have ever been worried. The Road is a beautiful piece of filmmaking. Horrible, depressing, bleak and hopeful at the same time. You have to see this movie. Viggo Mortenesen is the best actor on the planet. (Länk.)

3. Pearl: ”Little immaculate white fox” (cd)

This is a ROCK record. A real ROCK record. Like the Stones, Janis Joplin, The Who, AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, Black Crowes before her, Pearl is carrying the torch for ROCK music. A kick-ass female singer tearing it up. It’s about time!!! (Länk.)

Scott ”Not” Ian Rosenfeld, 45, är mest känd som gitarrist i Anthrax och S.O.D.. Han föll pladask för det här med hårdrock när han såg Kiss på Madison Square Garden 1977. Bandet är också ett av hans absoluta största influenser, tillsammans med Judas Priest, Motörhead och Ted Nugent. Han är gift med Pearl Aday, dotter till den inte helt okände Meat Loaf.

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