Expedition: Lindberg

Rapport från hemmapappa-djungeln

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av Klas Lindberg, nöjeschef


When six years ago I took over the leadership of the Reich one of our so-called ’statesmen’ of that day said: ’Now this man has taken the decisive step. Up to now he has been popular, because he has been in opposition. Now he must govern and we shall see in six or eight weeks how his popularity will look’! Six years – not six weeks only – have passed and I believe that they have been the most decisive years for German history. The most characteristic feature of this period is the close unity of the German people. What I have achieved in these six years was possible only because I had standing behind me the whole German people. The problems which faced us no single man could solve unaided: only when he could speak and, if necessary, also act in the name of the whole German people could he master these questions….


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