Arkiv för tagg Benny Andersson

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Abba-museet öppnas idag!

av Agneta Elmegård, Aftonbladet

Jag köpte min första blåa maskara och blåa kajalpenna från Margret Astor bara för att Agnetha hade det i sin make-up. Därför har ABBA en given plats i Skönhetsredaktö

Nu har de ett eget museum… ABBA-medlemmarna, Sveriges glamrockare som har haft så mycket inflytande i så mångas liv utan att de själv förstår det själv.  

Nu kan du bli den femte medlemmen i ABBA.  Prova deras kläder interaktivt. Vara del i studioarbetet i Polarstudion. Jonas Åkerlund, Projektledaren Mattias Hansson, stylisten Ingmari Halling och designern Owe Sandström tillsammans med Abbakvartetten Björn Ulvaeus, Anni Frid Rauss, Benny Andersson och Agnetha Fältskog har inte sparat på krutet utan bjudit till rejält i skapandet av det nya ABBA -The Museum på Djurgårdsvägen 68.

ABBA The Museum opens at Djurgården in Stockholm May 7th 2013 and offers an interactive journey through one of the biggest success stories in music history. Here the visitor will get close to the band by experiencing what it’s like to be the fifth member of ABBA, get on stage together with the other members, enter the Polar studio and see what he or she looks like in ABBA’s legendary costumes, and much more. Agnetha, Benny, Björn and Frida will tell their own personal ABBA stories through the museum audio guide.

Skärmavbild 2013-05-07 kl. 11.18.08

ABBA The Museum aims to make its exhibitions as interactive as possible. The visit to the museum starts with a film by Jonas Åkerlund, which will be shown in a 180 degree cinema room. In the museum here is also a self-playing piano that is linked up to Benny’s studio. If the visitor is lucky, the red light will flash and the piano (Benny) will start playing while he or she is there.

The group’s first major hit, “Ring Ring” from 1973, is celebrated by a red telephone in the exhibition. Only four people in the entire world have the phone number…

The new museum will give a complete picture of the band, the music and the incredible success we experienced in the ‘70s and ‘80s, something that we haven’t been able to present until now. It will be like an experience-based music documentary that invites the visitor backstage as well as on and in front of the stage”, says Björn Ulvaeus.

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