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Ny ”Star wars”-bok – om Luke Skywalker

av Nöjesbladets Stormtrooper
”Star wars: Heir of the jedi” släpps i januari nästa år.
”Star wars: Heir to the jedi” släpps i januari nästa år.

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Förlaget Del Rey har nyligen släppt ett första utdrag ur kommande boken ”Star wars: Heir to the jedi”, skriven av Kevin Hearne (som skrivit fantasyserien ”The iron druid chronicles”).

Boken kommer att berättas ur Luke Skywalkers perspektivt och utspela sig mellan ”Episod IV” och ”Episod V”.

There’s no one around to answer all my questions now that Ben’s gone. It’s a stark fact that continually reasserts itself each time I wonder what I’m supposed to do now. That brown robe he wore might as well have been made of pure mystery; he clothed himself in it and then left nothing else behind on the Death Star. I know Han likes to scoff at the idea of the Force, but when a man’s body simply disappears at the touch of a lightsaber, that’s more than “simple tricks and nonsense.”

And I know the Force is real. I’ve felt it.

I still feel it, actually, but I think it’s like knowing there’s something hidden in the sand while you’re skimming above it. You see ripples on the surface, hints that something is moving down there—maybe something small, maybe something huge—living a completely different life out of your sight. And going after it to see what’s underneath the surface might be safe and rewarding, or it might be the last thing you ever do. I need someone to tell me when to dive into those ripples and when to back off.

I thought I heard Ben’s voice a couple of times during the Battle of Yavin, but I’m wondering now if that really happened. Maybe I only thought it did; maybe that was my subconscious speaking to me—a kind of wishful thinking. He’s been silent since, and I don’t feel I can talk to anyone else about the Force. My confidants at this point consist of one blue and white astromech droid.

Boken släpps den 13 januari 2015. Silly Season: Star Wars Edition längtar redan.