Wisconsins kamp mot kollektivavtalen – blandar in nationalgardet

Att delar av det amerikanska samhället ibland har de militära lösningarna lite väl nära till hands blir tydligt i tidningen Bloomberg:

”Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Friday he wants to end collective bargaining for nearly all public employees because the state is broke and there’s no point negotiating with the unions when there is nothing to offer.

Union leaders and Democrats, powerless to stop Walker’s plan from passing the Republican-controlled Legislature next week, were reeling. They blasted the proposal as a naked power grab that will gut Wisconsin’s deep organized labor tradition and result in layoffs that devastate the economy.


Walker wants to remove all collective bargaining rights, except for salary, for roughly 175,000 public employees starting July 1. Any requests for a salary increase higher than the consumer price index would have to be approved by referendum.


Walker said Friday that he updated emergency plans and alerted the National Guard just in case they are needed to ensure state services aren’t interrupted.”

Det är tydligt att kollektiv förhandling ger löntagare ett bättre förhandlingsläge – hur mycket än arbetsgivarorganisationerna försöker hävda motsatsen. I Sverige går man inte lika långt som i Wisconsin, men upplägget är detsamma: Löntagarna ska inte hålla ihop.