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Tell it like it is, Mick!

av Jon Forsling, reporter

Foto: mickwall.com

I dagens blaska har jag intervjuat den brittiska rockskribenten Mick Wall, som alla Guns N’ Roses-fans känner som en av de journalister Axl Rose hotar med spö i låten ”Get in the ring”.

Det var ett väldigt roligt samtal, och många av Walls anekdoter kom inte med. Till exempel den här sköna utläggningen om vad han har lärt sig genom att bevaka världens största rockstjärnor under 25 års tid:

”When I was younger I had a sign on the wall of my office, just to give me a reality-check. The sign said: THEY ARE ALL CUNTS. And that is the reality of every rock star I have ever worked with. There´s a reson they became rock stars; they all want it their way, they are all selfish, they are all egotistic, they all want their arses kissed and their hands held. It´s pathetic and despicable. They would all walk over you to get a hit record”.