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Arkiv för tagg markus larsson

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– Keith Richards hit me in the head

av Johan Edling, webbredaktör nöjesredaktionen
The article.


English version of the Keith Richards article in Aftonbladet November 10th, 2010:


On August 4, 2007, The Rolling Stones,  got a 2 out of 5 review for the gig at Ullevi in Gothenburg, Sweden, of tabloid Aftonbladets music reviewer Markus Larsson, 34.

A review that enraged guitarist Keith Richards, 67.

Afterwards, he demanded a public apology.

Yesterday, the two met for an interview at Le Meurice Hotel in Paris about Keith Richards’s autobiography ”Life”.

The meeting ended with the rock star threatening Markus Larsson and hitting him in the head.

– Before he stormed out he hit me in the head and hissed: ”You’re lucky to get out of here alive,” said Markus Larsson.

The interview would have lasted for half an hour, but when, after ten minutes of the interview Keith Richards realized it was Markus Larsson, who wrote the review, the mood of the rock star quickly changed.

– He was in a good mood before I started to ask about the gig at Ullevi. He drank something yellow and smoked and laughed. But it quickly became uncomfortable, said Markus Larsson.

It even went so far as to Keith Richards physically threatening Markus Larsson.

– His eyes got black and he was absolutely furious. He stood up and asked if we would put out the lights and settle the disagreement straight away.

What did you feel?

– At first I was just surprised, I thought he was pulling my leg, but then I realized he was serious and then I felt uncomfortable and I just wanted to get out of there pretty fast.

Markus Larsson has been a music reviewer for eleven years but has never experienced anything like this.

– Right now, I cannot see the funny side of this. I would like to experience a lot in my life but I do not want to end up in a scuffle with anyone I interview, he says.

Fanny Birath is public relations manager at Norstedts, publishers of Keith Richards’s autobiography:

– It is sad what happened, but I can not comment on their conflict. It was between them in a closed room and I was not there, she says.

Klas Lindberg, head of entertainment news at Aftonbladet:

– Keith Richards behavior is completely unacceptable. That he would be so hostile and aggressive towards our employee in this quiet and controlled interview situation, was surprising and extremely uncomfortable. Attacking a journalist in this way is serious. Richards is clearly out of balance and I hope that people close to him reacts, he says.


By: Martin Gustafsson

Click here for the original article

Click here for an audio recording of the incident

Signerat Larsson!

av Klas Lindberg, nöjeschef

Det här landade just i mailboxen.

Och jag fick en uppenbarelse.

Det här konceptet kan ju vi använda oss av.

Typ så här:

Signerat Larsson – en intim helkväll med succékrönikören Markus Larsson

Skulle du vilja träffa Sveriges nöjeskrönikör numero uno? Nu har du chansen.

Marky blandar och bjuder på sin favvogrogg, läser ur kommande söndagssidan, visar vinterns hetaste gubbhattar, signerar gamla cd-skivor med personliga dedikationer, berättar gamla festivalanektdoter – och delar med sig av sina allra bästa metaforer. 

Och så vidare… 300 spänn borde man kunna ta. Minst!




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Just nu: Green Day rockar i Stockholm

av Peter Ottsjö, spelredaktör

Jo, vi har ju förstås team Grahn på plats på Ullevi ikväll. Team Larsson/Ottsjö, däremot, är lediga. Så vi passar på att jobba från vardagsrumssoffan – med ”Green Day: Rock band”.

Marky Mark har redan levererat en elegant version av ”Wake me up when september ends”.

– Det här är roligare än på Ullevi, hälsar Larsson.

”Green Day: Rock band” släpps nästa vecka. Då får ni dessutom en recension i ett Nöjesblad nära er.






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