proffstyckarna White House Edition

med Aftonbladets experter Manuel Ferrer och Roland Poirier Martinsson

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Programledaren varnar Mourdock i känslomässigt tal

av Manuel Ferrer

MSNBC:s politiska kommentator, Melissa Harris-Perry, höll i gårdagens program ett starkt och gripande tal direkt riktad mot den republikanske senatskandidaten Richard Mourdock. Hon berättade om den våldtäkt hon själv råkat ut för och hur det känns att lyssna till Mourdocks tankar kring guds verk bakom varje graviditet – även efter en våldtäkt.

Talet avslutas med en varning till Mourdock och alla hans uppbackare i partiet:

”Let me explain something to you. When we survive sexual assault, we are the gift. When we survive, when we go on to love, to work, to speak out, to have fun, to laugh, to dance, to cry, to live, when we do that, we defeat our attackers. For a moment, they strip us of our choices. As we heal, we take our choices back. We are the gift to ourselves, our families, our communities, and our nation when we survive.

Now let me say this very clearly to you Mr Mourdock, and to all of your shameless endorsers: we did not survive an attack on our consent just to turn around and give up our right to choose to you. Not without a fight. Are you sure you want to have that fight?”

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