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The Real Zola

av Erik Niva

Haha, ämnet må vara smalt – men det här är för roligt för att inte uppdatera med Football Manager, inlägg 2.0.

Brittiska The Guardian gör som vanligt sin egen grej av dagens spelrelease, och som vanligt för de det sjukt underhållande. De listar helt enkelt de sex största FM-fenomenen – såna spelare som var helt briljanta på datorskärmen, men inte fullt lika bra i verkligheten.

Är ni det minsta som mig så har ni en FM-relation till de flesta av dem.

Och etta på listan? Jodå, en svensk:
1) Tonton Zola Moukoko (AM/F C)
The daddy of Champo Manager. The Godfather Part II. The Sopranos. The OK Computer. The Fawlty Towers. The Alan Carr. The Allen Carr. The Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of A Crisps. Hang on, we lost our way a bit there. Anyway, it’s a fact that more thirtysomethings remember the name of Tonton Zola Moukoko than the name of the bloke who sat next to them at school. That said, not everyone could spell it: Moukoko, who now plays in the Swedish lower leagues, was actually spelt Mokouko on the 2000-01 version. At that stage he was a promising youngster at Derby, apparently courted by Juventus among others, and lent an exotic bent by the seven syllables of that majestic name and his Swedish/Ghanaian background. Available for around £500,000 from Derby – who didn’t even play him in the first team, the doofii – he gobbled up goals and assists like a powered-up Pac-Man, and was absolutely devastating in the hole behind a lone striker. Even now he has a Facebook appreciation group: men whose upper lips remain defiantly stiff at funerals go a big rubbery one when they remember the time he banged in two in the last four minutes to overturn a 1-2 deficit at home to Grimsby in the Champions League semi-final of 2014-15. His success and reliability took man-love to new, twisted levels of absurdity. Champo Manager has, of course, been cited in more than 35 divorce cases. It’s one thing to call your wife by the wrong name during boudoir funtime, quite another to call her ’Tonton’.

Ge mig lite hjälp här! Vad sjutton hände egentligen med Tonton Zola Moukoko?

Jag minns att han spelade för Carlstad United, och har något i bakhuvudet om att han siktats i Sleipner – men nu hittar jag inga såna tecken på deras hemsida.

Någon som kan reda ut The Travels and Travails of Tonton?

/Erik Niva