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Dagens mejl – vad svarar vi Tony?

av Robbie Lauler


Have just read your article and the comments made by Anders Svennson! Why must this country as usual bark around the ankles of bigger leagues? How lucky you are that he and yourself are so gifted with how the game should be played and developed! Is it the same average Anders Svensson who has never actually won anything who said that?

He should be a little more respectfull to countries and people who have allowed him to develope and allowed him to make a good living at playing football! I have just one question to you which I am sure you will not answer (simply because you would never admit it):

Vad ha Sverige gjört för att utveckla fotbollen?

You have no right to critisise things, or standards, which you are not capable of acheiving yourself!

Regards Tony”.

Tre synpunkter innan vi svarar Tony.
1) Citatet ”Why must this country as usual bark around the ankles of bigger leagues” är ett mycket underhållande citat.
2) Av antalet utropstecken i Tonys mejl att döma undrar jag om han är rätt man att beskylla någon för att gläfsa.
3) Jag uppskattar däremot att Tony inte bara sammanfattat sitt mejl i en konkret frågeställning, han har också översatt den till begriplig svenska.

Så, vad ska vi svara Tony? Är han rätt eller snett på det?