Den nya Sverigebilden: Ojämlikhet! Upplopp! Naziattacker!

Åh vad vi älskar när internationella medier skriver om Sverige. Vi gör ju så mycket bra här! Vi har Stieg Larsson, Robyn och tillsammans har vi byggt ett anständigt toppensamhälle. Men det är inte bara sådant vi uppmärksammas för, nu för tiden.

Vi tittar lite på vad som skrivits om vårt lilla land i under de senaste månaderna:

Sweden riots Sweden spotlight growing economic rift (The Wall Street Journal, 26 maj 2013):

In a report this month by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Paris-based think tank, Sweden’s growth in inequality between 1985 and the late 2000s was the largest among all OECD countries, increasing by one-third.


Hans Heggemann, a statistician at Sweden’s central bureau for statistics, said people on unemployment benefits and welfare haven’t seen their benefits keep up with the cost of living. While this trend is occurring world-wide, ”the increase is notably higher in Sweden,” Mr. Heggemann said.

The challanges of the Swedish model (Financial Times, 26 maj 2013):

The solutions must in part be of the workhorse policy-making variety. That includes better understanding and countering of the causes of Sweden’s slipping egalitarianism in terms both of income and of access to public services. The quality of schooling, for which the private sector and municipalities have been given responsibility, is especially vulnerable in the already most deprived areas.

Neo-Nazis attack anti-racism demonstrators in Sweden (, 15 december 2013):

A vicious attack at an anti-racism demonstration in Stockholm, Sweden, on Sunday proved the protesters have a legitimate concern.

A group of 40 far-right extremists threw stones, bottles and fireworks at a group of 200 people holding an organized, legal demonstration to oppose racism and growing neo-Nazi sentiment in the area, Stockholm police spokesman Sven-Erik Olsson said Sunday.

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