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Mer kring fusket i Frankrike

av Ola Brandborn

På den här handen från finalbordet i WPT Barcelona ser ni hur en bloggare i grå tröja står bakom Alis motståndare och sneglar på korten.

Thomas Kremser, tävlingsledare i EPT Tallinn, kommenterar filmen från WPT så här:

”Edi, the guy in the grey t-shirt in the video, is one of the bloggers that have been banned during EPT Tallinn for attempting to see the hole cards of players at Ali’s table. Part of the decision was also that it was investigated that the site they were reporting for was brand new ( and there was no content on it after 3 days of reporting of EPT Tallinn.”

Svenske Mats Ihremark kom trea i den här tävlingen i Barcelona. Hur mycket drabbades han av fusket?
