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Är Phil Ivey folkets hjälte eller talar han bara i egen sak?

av Sofia welllbet Lövgren

Phil Ivey bojkottar WSOP och stämmer nätverket Tiltware p g a att spelarna inte fått ut sina pengar från Full Tilt efter Black Friday. Han menar att det är orättvist att han själv kan spela men många andra som inte fått ut sina pengar inte har råd att spela. Hela världen hyllar nu Phil Ivey som plötsligt framstår som förkämpen för alla orättvist behandlade stackars pokerspelare. Här är hans uttalande.


“For many years, I have been proud to call myself a poker player. This great sport has taken me to places I only imagined going and I have been blessed with much success. It is therefore with deep regret that I believe I am compelled to release the following statement.

I am deeply disappointed and embarrassed that Full Tilt players have not been paid money they are owed. I am equally embarrassed that as a result many players cannot compete in tournaments and have suffered economic harm

I am not playing in the World Series of Poker as I do not believe it is fair that I compete when others cannot. I am doing everything I can to seek a solution to the problem as quickly as possible.

My name and reputation have been dragged through the mud, through the inactivity and indecision of others and on behalf of all poker players I refuse to remain silent any longer. I have electronically filed a lawsuit against Tiltware related to the unsettled player accounts. As I am sure the public can imagine, this was not an easy decision for me

I wholeheartedly refuse to accept non-action as to repayment of players funds and I am angered that people who have supported me throughout my career have been treated so poorly.

I sincerely hope this statement will ignite those capable of resolving the problems into immediate action and would like to clarify that until a solution is reached that cements the security of all players, both US and International, I will, as I have for the last six weeks, dedicate the entirety of my time and efforts to finding a solution for those who have been wronged by the painfully slow process of repayment.”

Det här är självklart riktigt intressant och det blir inte mindre spännande när man läser representanten för Tiltware’s uttalande där Phil Ivey inte framstår som fullt lika nobel. Han menar att Mr Ivey talar helt i egen sak bl a vill han inte hjälpa till genom att han reglera en betydande skuld han själv har till Full Tilt som hade varit till stor hjälp i detta läget. I stället vill Phil Ivey ha ett megaskadestånd eftersom han menar att han personligen förlorat $ 150.000.000 bl a p g a att hans rykte drabbats.

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“Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited — and has declined — to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tilt ware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.”

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Alla vet att Phil Ivey är en av de skickligaste pokerspelarna i världen, speciellt när det gäller timing och att läsa motståndarna. Frågan är hur hans all in mot Full Tilt skall tolkas. Är det ett sätt att rädda sitt eget skinn medan han lämnar det sjunkande skeppet eller är han den folkets hjälte som vi alla vill att han skall vara?
