Archive for category in my chair

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In my chair

by steveterry



This coooling was in for this coool cut recently:) Caroline Sandström is one of my partners in Metro Mode Makeover…of which we just filmed the second episode of!

Carro is always loads of fun to be around…and she is a clever cookie too;)

The haircut we went for is almost like an 80´s layered bob with a modern twist and finish…really nice and perfect for Caroline:)

Products used are:

1) Shu Uemura Ample Angora a creamy non-flakey mousse for support

2) Kevin Murphy Easy Rider Paste for a touch of texture

3) Redken Fashion Work 12 Spray for a gentle hold and finish

Now…do it the YOU way 😉

oh and PS: Thanks for visiting folks…I really appreciate YOU!




In my chair

by steveterry

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This groover was in my chair this week! Her name is Hanna Lundgren and she is the Global Marketing… Top Honcho for Super cool Swedish fashion brand WESC!

Its always so fun when Hanna visits…she is a really unique girl! Cool..individual..inspiring…really herself…very YOU:)

We had a great talk about our brands..WE & YOU…YOU & WE…catchy right…colab? 😉

Girl got some hair too!

I also really love the texture we achieved here!

Here´s how to get it the YOU way:

After drying your hair use: Redken Powder Fresh which is a great non-powdery dry shampoo and for creating texture and for extra root lift Kevin Murphys Powder Puff and brush through with the magic brush this time a PINK Mason Pearson …Hanna liked that;)

In Hanna´s own words…DOPE!

Here´s an extra big KRAM to you all this Friday night:)



In my chair

by steveterry


Mr Alex Schulman himself was back at YOU recently. It´s always an enjoyable and… interesting time we have when Alex is here;)

We were both especially pleased this time as we finally…after 3 cuts, managed to fix the haircut Amanda gave him on Gotland during the summer with the… scissors;)

Amanda sent me a picture of it when it was done and to be honest I actually didnt know what I was looking at for a few seconds until it clicked;)

All in good fun!



Categories in my chair

Noomi…in my chair

by steveterry

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Today was a little bit Special…my good friend the amazing Noomi Rapace is back in town for a short visit between movies and came by today for some seriously strong Coffee and great talk and some proper hair therapy.

Hair wise Sarah did a great even blonder colour and I cut and styled in preparation for Noomi´s next movie…which the way…sounds AMAZING!

Personally….Noomi is one of those people that keeps it real…really…I love that! We always have super meaningful talks and the vibe is always super chilled.

When people get as big as Noomi and still manage to keep it real…respect is what they get!

Respect Noomi…YOU ROCK!


Do it…the YOU way

by steveterry

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Hi all…wow its been a super fun day today! Started by doing a cool step by step shoot for Wellness Magazine with a great group of happy people and then the day continued with loads of inspirational meetings….and of course spending time with the best team here at YOU is always awesome!

You know, Marie Serneholt has been my client since the days of the A-teens…over 15 years and we have a great relationship…she is an amazing person!

Anyhow…I wanted to share this article with you…its being run on Aftonbladet and is a very popular Step by Step guide to getting Marie´s gorgeous waves with a cool campaign to match….so from me (minus the beard) and Marie (as cool as ever) check out how to get the look…the YOU way.



Steve Terry beskriver hur du får Marie Serneholts supersvall och vilka produkter du använder för att skapa just denna look.

Steg 1: – En viktig del av en bra styling och för att få vågorna att stanna där de ska, är att använda ett bra schampo och balsam, som passar ditt hår men som inte tynger ner. Till Maries hår använder vi Kevin Murphy Born Again Wash och Treatment.

Steg 2: – Efter att du handdukstorkat håret, applicera leave-in balsamet Day Of Grace från Evo samt volymmousset Volumising Mousse från Percy & Reed. Föna håret i hårbotten först för att lyfta håret ordentligt och föna sedan ner längst hårlängderna för ökad kontroll. Se till att håret blir riktigt torrt.

Steg 3: – Nu använder vi vår kära vän Cera Wand 19-32 locktång och delar upp håret i vertikala sektioner ca tre cm breda (beroende på tjocklek). Börja i höjd med ögat och snurra runt hårlängden bakåt (viktigt!) runt locktången. Fortsätt med resten av håret på båda sidorna hela vägen bak och låt sedan håret svalna.

Steg 4: – När håret har svalnat, dra fingrarna genom håret för att separera lockarna från varandra och borsta ut håret försiktigt med en Mason Pearson borste. Ta sedan en lätt stylingolja som Diamond Oil Shatterproof. Gnugga in i händerna, krama håret och dra ut i topparna för att separera lockarna. Skaka huvudet lite och sätt håret på plats och avsluta sedan med ett bra och lätt hårspray Luminous Hairspray från Moroccan Oil.

Nedan hittar du produkterna vi använde när vi stylade Marie. Just nu har vi 15% på just dessa produkter. Erbjudandet gäller till och med lördag 19 oktober 2013. Happy shopping!

In my chair

by steveterry



The man himself Mr Pär Lernström was back at YOU for his regular shape up and styling….he is always so suave;)… and super nice!

Hey…I have a special mix I use for Pär…in fact it is my favourite combination for this type of cut and style.

Just take equal parts…Night Rider and Easy Rider, both by Kevin Murphy mix then in your hands and work all the way through your hair.

Its a great combo!



In My Chair

by steveterry

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Super host from SVT Malin Olsson was in to have her hair sorted this week before she hosts the Insamlingsgalan för Världens Barn….a fantastic cause!

After Malin coloured her hair with Sarah it was my turn for the cut.

Well…we sure did have great fun durings Malins visit …and oh…she really ROCKS!

Enjoy Friday folks:)


Categories in my chair

Me and Marie

by steveterry

Me and Marie

Wonderful and Gorgeous Marie Serneholt has been my client since the days of the A Teens when she was 15:)

That is a long time…and we have built up a great relationship over the years.

One thing for sure is that we always have a great laugh and I really enjoy spending the time we get together.

You know….Marie really rocks!

It feels great that so many people comment and ask about Maries hair too.

Later on we might even give you some Marie Serneholt hair tips;) How does that sound?

Oops gotta´s Bingolotto…with….Marie;)




Categories in my chair

In my chair

by steveterry

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I had Erika Scott in my chair this week!

Erika is the Editor Chief of Aftonbladet´s SÖNDAG magazine:)

This time Erika was after something a little more sassy and cool that suits both her and her lifestyle.

I gave Erika a nice layered A-line bob which she absolutely loves! (me too) Its a cool and versatile style which can easily be “dressed up” or down.

It´s so fun to see people look into the mirror and really like what they see.:)

To get the volume in this shape I used Kevin Murphy´s Body Builder and for the natural texture Redkens Powder Refresh 01 Dry Shampoo and to hold it there Quick Dry #18

Something for YOU?



Hell Yeah!

by steveterry


Last night was the finals for the Blog Awards in which 3 of the bloggers from the blog platform I´M NEXT were nominated.

The whole gang were at YOU last night for a few hours and we did hair, Make-up, hung out and listened to some seriously loud music! I´m gonna show you a lot more later…BUT…in the meantime. I saw that Caroline Roxy had put up this blog of the look I did for her last night so I asked her if it was cool for me to share them with you since we looked at the wet look in a recent post.

Well…she said HELL YEAH!

Thanks Caroline…and …congrats on winning “Newcomer Fashion Blogger 2013″……YOU ROCK!

I´ll show you guys more from the evening later…it was cool

oh…here is what products I used for Caroline´s look…I Poured this Gel into a bowl and brushed it into the roots and mid lengths then I combed through with a large rake comb. (If the gel starts to dry too fast don´t panic…just spray on a little water) Then I dried it in with soft heat and finished with this Spray.




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Alex Schulman Angelica blick Backstage believe bob Caroline Roxy crazy David Hellenius inspiration interview Make over Marie Serneholt Noomi Rapace NYFW Petra Tungården short hair the YOU way tips titiyo wet look