Archive for category Okategoriserade

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Im back…but not here;)

by steveterry

Hi friends:)

Hey…a quick note to let you know that Im back up and blogging!

I´d love to see you at my new set up…you can find me HERE



Thank YOU :)

by steveterry

Hi all!

Yesterday was a really proud day for us and the next step for the concept that Me,Helene and Liam:) created and launched a little over a year ago.

From the conception of this concept we have always had the vision to grow the YOU way into a wonderful place of Fashion and Beauty…full of heart, warmth, tips, tricks, inspiration and….shopping…a complete and modern service with a meaning.

In a few weeks we get rolling…its and incredibly exciting time:)

Anyway…I have to be honest….I´m kind of busy these days and have a full family life….Anything I do I really want to do it with focus, commitment and passion. Thats why, sometimes one has to prioritize and thats why I have decided to stop blogging for now.

But hold on…Instagram rocks and…yes…you can find me there! I really hope that you will come and follow me @ steveterry1  and…hey…in fact I think I´m alright at it too but I´ll let you be the judge of that;)

Thanks for visiting me friends and hope to see you soon!

And hey…remember…always love, trust and believe in YOU…



A good day

by steveterry


I was back at Fashion week this afternoon, this time with Noomi:)

We went and supported a mutual friend…wonderful Maria Monti who had styled one of the shows then off to the Maria Nilsdotter exhibition and Bukowskis! It was really cool! Maria had popped in to YOU while I was trimming Noomi´s fringe earlier in the day and hung out for a while. Not only is she super talented at making jewellery but she is mega nice too:)

Anyway…after a bit of a mingel we went off to Söder for a bit of a special dinner.. This time with the guys from The Teddy Bears and one of my all time favourites and original hair muses…the fantastic Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders! Soooo fun to hang out with her.

oh…and…super cool…and super nice!

A good day!



MBFW Sthlm

by steveterry

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How beautiful is Berns!!?? I just love this place:) Well…here we are again…Stockholm Fashion Week!

I was in pretty late today…had a lot to do in the morning which meant I arrived around 17.00…just in time to eat some serious dumplings before doing some Live TV with our friend…gorgeous Nina Johansson!

Nice vibe there today! Good energy…

oh…here´s the clip😉

Hope you enjoy it!




Beauty in the Beast

by steveterry


I was on the way to meet up with the family after a meeting on the weekend and walked under a bridge in central Stockholm when I just had to stop and take a snap of what instantly caught my eye.

Super raw and urban but still really beautiful..its almost like an urban dance of textures and shapes.

I find it really inspiring…The Beauty in the Beast.



Categories inspiration

Noomi in Paris

by steveterry

tumblr_mzk666PDY91qeksb7o1_500 Mens Fashion Week - Givenchy Arrivals - Paris Men’s Fashion Week - Givenchy Front Row - Paris

Noomi Rapace as most of you might know is our client at YOU and is also a good friend of mine.

Last week I was in London with Noomi and the next day she was front row at the GIVENCHY show in Paris with Kanye West sporting the new look we created for her last week…Rock and Roll fringe with a cool blonde colour...Clip ins give more volume and cut to give a choppy home cut vibe to the length.

YOU don´t get much cooler;)


Categories look of the day

Cara´s got IT!

by steveterry

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Cara Delevingne is without doubt the girl of the moment, on the catwalk, in mags and equally important (if not more) on social media.

Why?..sure she is a great looking girl but she has something different. Cara has it…and…she is quite happy to be…well… a goof ball!

She is really herself thats why people relate to her and find her interesting.

Goes to show the effect that simply being YOU can have

Here´s a cool article about Cara in January´s British Vogue.




by steveterry


Liam started school this morning and we were a little early…so…we went for a stroll in town to our, for the moment, favourite place for coffee (and cakes;) Wiener Caféet.

The city was actually pretty quiet this morning with a light drizzle of rain, but still quite warm:)

As we turned down Bibloteksgatan we were hit by this. So peaceful and beautiful.

Theres just something about cities in the early morning…especially when its lit up like this.

Oh the kid on the right is Liam…full steam ahead to the coffee..and cake;) Oh well…it was the first day of school and all;)




by steveterry


The other day Aftonbladet was in shooting with us when Johan came in to visit. Johan did an article about me, Helene and Liam for Aftonbladet a while back and we really found each other…he is a great guy….BUT…he is not so good at shaving his own head!

I dont know it must be an “arbetsskada” but I saw his one lonely little hair there on the top of his head from miles away;)

….you can see it right!?

anyway…I just had to get it before he left and I did!

Johan was happy too…he said it was the first “proper haircut” he has had in years;)



by steveterry

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We just came back from London again…

Funny…I was looking through my camera and saw these 3 pics all taken within a 24 hours.

From industrial and slick to pure nature…each as inspiring and important to us as the other.

Love contrast


Categories inspiration
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Alex Schulman Angelica blick Backstage believe bob Caroline Roxy crazy David Hellenius inspiration interview Make over Marie Serneholt Noomi Rapace NYFW Petra Tungården short hair the YOU way tips titiyo wet look