A bit of a tease
Hi all:)
Ouch…busy …som..f….n!
All good though …its been a really inspiring day with lots of planning and cool meetings with cooler work mates:)
Funny I have double feelings about the dark now…I dont like it because it´s…well….dark.
But…on the other hand it´s kind of cool…I feel focused and creative…a little melancholy, but in a kinda good way…hhmmm.
Anyway..side tracked again…of course the darkness does not have anything to do with the picture!
This picture is actually a bit of a teaser;) It´s part of a bigger article coming in the next issue of Wellness where I show you a thing or two;)
Hair wise that is;)
To be honest I think it was a great team behind this step by step job…thanks team:)
Anyway…hope you enjoy the article and that you get lots of nice inspiration when it hits the shelves.
Hmmm…Just reading through this post before pushing the button to publish…looks like I´m in a bit of a weird mood it must be the…..DARK!
PS…Photo: Veronica Kindblad