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LeBron – rasismdebatten

av Petter Westin

En galen gubbes kommentarer förtjänar en annans.
Efter Dan Gilberts öppna brev om LeBron James, kommer svaret från – vem annars? – Jesse Jackson. Så här skriver den 68-årige pastorn och politikern på hemsidan

”[Dan Gilbert] speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship–between business partners–and LeBron honored his contract. /…/

These accusations endanger LeBron. His jersey is being burned in effigy, and he is being projected as a betrayer by the owner. /…/

LeBron is not a child, nor is he bound to play on Gilbert’s plantation and be demeaned. /…/

Mr. Gilbert’s statement is mean, arrogant and presumptuous. /…/”


Den kanske nyktraste sammanfattningen av hela den här soppan kommer från Fox Sports-profilen Jason Whitlock:

”It’s stupid. Dan Gilbert’s rant was certainly immature, but it wasn’t remotely racist. He sounded like a scorned lover, a guy who gave his heart to a relationship and found out on national TV that the alleged love of his life didn’t care about him at all.

Gilbert vented. I give James credit for not responding.

Jackson and other African-Americans need to follow LeBron’s lead. We look foolish. We look hypocritical. We come across like people who have little genuine interest in seeing racial prejudice disappear and more like people who just want it to swing in our favor.”

Som sagt – den här snackisen kommer inte att dö ut i första taget.


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