Archive for October 2013

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Making people feel good

by steveterry


It was Metro Makeover day today and we first headed out on location to meet our candidate at home to get to know her…its was really mysig:)

Then it was time to head back to YOU and shoot the actual Makeover itself.

Well …yes it was a long day but the teamwork, energy and result make it all feel easy and loads of fun….with loads of laughs too:)

The team as Usual was Petra, Carro, Sara and the awesome crew…oh and we got our Sarah involved today too.

Personally I feel we are just getting better and tighter as a team each time:)

Keep an eye out for Metro Mode Makeover #2 coming soon…but in the meantime if you missed #1...HERE it is:)

oh…and by the way..our candidate looked and felt amazing!

Making people feel good….that´s where the magic is.

Hope you enjoy




by steveterry


Agnes…sooo cool and a lovely talented girl too:)

We first met when I was in charge of all of the hair for IDOL for a number of years…one of those years was when Agnes won the whole thing:)

After that I have done Agnes´s hair many times and…she is a little famous for her hair…here´s my step by step guide that I have put together for theYOUway….I hope you get some good inspiration and tips!

psst….there is a nice offer in conjunction with it too:)

Check it out below..


Så får du Agnes Hollywoodsvall – The YOU way

Vi fullkomligt älskar “Så mycket bättre”-aktuella Agnes Carlsson och hennes stjärnsvall à la Hollywood.
Steve Terry, som gjort Agnes hår ett flertal gånger och som också jobbade med sångerskan under “Idol”-tiden,
berättar hur du går tillväga för att få popstjärnans fantastiska lockar – the YOU way.
Steg 1
Använd ett schampo som ger volym, stadga och inte tynger ner.
Produkter du behöver: Davines Volu Schampo och Conditioner.
Steg 2
Handdukstorka håret ordentligt och applicera en leave-in-conditioner och ett volymspray. Föna med en brafön och fokusera på hårbotten för att få lyft och volym i håret. Se till att håret blir ordentligt torrt.Produkter du behöver: GHD Air Hair dryerEVO Day of Grace och Kevin Murphy Anti Gravity Spray.
Steg 3
Agnes har lite större vågor så därför passar Cera Wand 25-38 perfekt. Dela upp håret i sektioner, ca 3 cm breda. Rulla upp hårlängden bakåt runt staven. När du byter sida är det viktigt att du också byter hand och rullar håret bakåt. Har du mycket hår så sätt upp överhåret och börja med det undre håret.
Produkter du behöver: Cera Wand 25-38 som skapar lösa lockar/vågar (vill du däremot ha normalstora vågor rekommenderar vi Cera 19-32).
Steg 4
Vänta till håret att har svalnat och dra sedan fingrarna försiktigt genom för att separera lockarna. Använd gärna en borste från Mason Pearson och borsta försiktigt. För att undvika frizz applicera en liten mängd stylingolja i längderna och topparna. Skaka huvudet lätt och avsluta med en hårspray som håller lockarna på plats.
Steg 5
Go out and have fun!

Just nu får du 15% rabatt på dessa produkter så du kan fixa Agnes look… the YOU way!

A bit of a tease

by steveterry

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Hi all:)

Ouch…busy …som..f….n!

All good though …its been a really inspiring day with lots of planning and cool meetings with cooler work mates:)

Funny I have double feelings about the dark now…I dont like it because it´s…well….dark.

But…on the other hand it´s kind of cool…I feel focused and creative…a little melancholy, but in a kinda good way…hhmmm.

Anyway..side tracked again…of course the darkness does not have anything to do with the picture!

This picture is actually a bit of a teaser;) It´s part of a bigger article coming in the next issue of Wellness where I show you a thing or two;)

Hair wise that is;)

To be honest I think it was a great team behind this step by step job…thanks team:)

Anyway…hope you enjoy the article and that you get lots of nice inspiration when it hits the shelves.

Hmmm…Just reading through this post before pushing the button to publish…looks like I´m in a bit of a weird mood it must be the…..DARK!


PS…Photo: Veronica Kindblad




Så Mycket…Titiyo

by steveterry

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Hi YOU:)

Hey…I just wanted to give you guys a heads up to check out the Premier of “Så Mycket Bättre” on TV4 tonight where my long time friend and client…the incredible and cooooolest Titiyo makes her entry;)

Enjoy your Saturday evening folks!





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Tags titiyo

In my chair

by steveterry

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This groover was in my chair this week! Her name is Hanna Lundgren and she is the Global Marketing… Top Honcho for Super cool Swedish fashion brand WESC!

Its always so fun when Hanna visits…she is a really unique girl! Cool..individual..inspiring…really herself…very YOU:)

We had a great talk about our brands..WE & YOU…YOU & WE…catchy right…colab? 😉

Girl got some hair too!

I also really love the texture we achieved here!

Here´s how to get it the YOU way:

After drying your hair use: Redken Powder Fresh which is a great non-powdery dry shampoo and for creating texture and for extra root lift Kevin Murphys Powder Puff and brush through with the magic brush this time a PINK Mason Pearson …Hanna liked that;)

In Hanna´s own words…DOPE!

Here´s an extra big KRAM to you all this Friday night:)



Heart YOU

by steveterry


Hi guys…hope that you have been having an awesome day….wow…it was almost tropical outside today…well kind of;) But either way..nice to feel a bit of warmth and humidity out there today…the shorter the winter…the better as far as Im concerned…my Aussie bones aren´t made for it.

Anyway…back on track;)…I hope you like these pics by Terry Richardson of Cara Delevingne..actually taken today.

I like the way Terry shoots…unpretentious and real in some way…often fun! He also obviously makes people relaxed and he gets something really cool into his shoots….Even if they look simple…they say a lot.

He is a bit of a goofball…which is awesome in the world of fashion. He likes to provoke…in a good way…I like;)

Heart YOU 😉




In my chair

by steveterry


Mr Alex Schulman himself was back at YOU recently. It´s always an enjoyable and… interesting time we have when Alex is here;)

We were both especially pleased this time as we finally…after 3 cuts, managed to fix the haircut Amanda gave him on Gotland during the summer with the… scissors;)

Amanda sent me a picture of it when it was done and to be honest I actually didnt know what I was looking at for a few seconds until it clicked;)

All in good fun!



Categories in my chair


by steveterry


I just had to share this with you!

Our client Hanna Makowsky was in @ YOU the other day and was looked after by Juliette.

Hanna has amazing hair and after the right treatment…it looked even more cool…so…we took this cool picture so that I could help you get the look the YOU way.

Here YOU go :

– First, to ensure that the curls are boosted from start we  washed Hanna’s hair with Davines Love Curl Shampoo and Conditioner and in damp hair she used AMIKA Curl Define Cream to bind and smooth the curls!

– Now blow dry gently with a diffuser.

To bring volume from the roots, a shot of Fresh Hair from Kevin Murphy was used as a styling agent.

– To get more definition now work in Shu Uemura Essence Absolue from mid lengths to ends.

Cool hair for a cool girl

I love this look….Nice!


Me & Metro Makeover #1

by steveterry

Hey You:)

Remember I mentioned that I was working with Petra Tungården and Carolina Sandström on a cool project?

Well here is the 1st episode of Metro Makeover.

In this episode we meet Caroline…she was great fun and got a cool…well…I like to call it YOUover;)

For me it is just all about making people feel great…thats why I, after 30 years, still love my job:)

It is all about doing it theYOUway…the only way to do things;)

Hope you enjoy it folks:)


Noomi…in my chair

by steveterry

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Today was a little bit Special…my good friend the amazing Noomi Rapace is back in town for a short visit between movies and came by today for some seriously strong Coffee and great talk and some proper hair therapy.

Hair wise Sarah did a great even blonder colour and I cut and styled in preparation for Noomi´s next movie…which the way…sounds AMAZING!

Personally….Noomi is one of those people that keeps it real…really…I love that! We always have super meaningful talks and the vibe is always super chilled.

When people get as big as Noomi and still manage to keep it real…respect is what they get!

Respect Noomi…YOU ROCK!


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Alex Schulman Angelica blick Backstage believe bob Caroline Roxy crazy David Hellenius inspiration interview Make over Marie Serneholt Noomi Rapace NYFW Petra Tungården short hair the YOU way tips titiyo wet look