Wonderful and Gorgeous Marie Serneholt has been my client since the days of the A Teens when she was 15:)
That is a long time…and we have built up a great relationship over the years.
One thing for sure is that we always have a great laugh and I really enjoy spending the time we get together.
You know….Marie really rocks!
It feels great that so many people comment and ask about Maries hair too.
Later on we might even give you some Marie Serneholt hair tips;) How does that sound?
Oops gotta go..it´s Bingolotto…with….Marie;)
This morning was so cool:) it’s nice that a little bit if semi-warmth has arrived back in Stockholm right!? We took the opportunity to take a little walk in the city and then had an Italian brunch:)
Enjoy today folks
One of my oldest friends from The Northern Beaches of Sydney…where we grew up surfing together just happens to now be one of the worlds premier Backstage Photographers:) His name is Sonny Vandevelde…and he just took this cool pic …backstage at the Stella Mc Cartney SS14 fashion show in Paris.
Nice haircut;)
To see more of Sonny´s awesome backstage pics of this show….look here!
Thanks old mate;)
Its been a great and intense day at YOU today…fun!
One of our clients today was the amazing Miss Linda Hallberg! Make-up artist and blogger extraordinaire:) Linda was the winner of “Best Beauty Blog” this year at the VeckoRevyn Blog Awards…for example;)
Linda came to visit Sarah for her new (very hot) colour!
Anyway…when I got home I saw that Linda had blogged about her visit and I got so happy!
I asked Linda if I could share it with you guys!
So here it is…(the photos are Lindas own) nice hu!
Linda Hallberg…
Kom ganska nyligen hem från frissan.. alltså GUUUD vad jag älskar att jag har hittat en frisör som kan mitt hår! Det är ju många som frågar vilken färg jag färgar mitt hår med, men jag färgar hos frisör (tyvärr). Salongen jag går till heter YOU och ligger på Birger jarlsgatan i Stockholm. Sara, som jag gör mitt hår hos är helt jävla amazing på färg!
Jag gick ju från min koppriga ombre, till nästan gråbrunt, och jag älskar det! Råttfärgat är tydligen hett just nu!
Jag har använt/I’ve used
MUS Cake eyeliner black
No7 Fanomenal lashes
Velour lashes You complete me
Sleek makeup lip4 palette mardi gras (den lila i paletten)
NARS blush boys don’t cry
MUS Wonder powder Sinai
Today we had a really great press event at YOU together with our good friends at Estelle & Thild in order to launch their new series Super Bioactive .
I talked about YOU and theYOUway and our passion for the brand and Pernilla, founder of Estelle & Thild did the same about her brand.
A morning of great vibes…great balls and great people:)
oh…and then I did a little dance;)
Wow…what a beautiful day it was in Stockholm today! Perfect weather for a walk with Helene. Stockholm continues to blow me away…and after 25 years of marriage…so does my girl;)